Olympus Lens compatibility


TPF Noob!
Jan 19, 2012
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United States
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I have an Olympus OM-10. I want to go "digital". Are any of the Olympus digital cameras compatible with my OM-10 lenses?
This Company makes adapters for several models of camera however unless you've got some really expensive OM-series lenses you would probably be better off getting new lenses. The OM system lenses might report aperture to a camera (I'm not sure) but you will only be able to manually focus. I have several OM lenses so if you find something that works well please let me know ;)
That link is for OM to Nikon,

You can find Olympus OM to Olympus digital adapters on ebay for ~$30.

I used a OM 50mm f 1.4 on my E-510 with excellent results.

The camera will meter but aperture and focus is manual.

Cheers, Don

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