One of the last sunsets in the arctic


TPF Noob!
Apr 28, 2023
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Here is one of this springs last sunsets here in the arctic. As we are just 11 days from having the Midninght sun

Taken from the pulpit rock at the Trondenes peninsula in Troms county , Norway.

I took the shot with a Canon EF 70-200 F4 L lens on my old Sony A7, with the help of an an EF to E-mount adapter I normaly use on an all manual wide angle lens I use for astro photography. This meant manual focusing , shooting wide open.

I have just recieved an electronic adapter giving me auto focus, IS and apperture controll, so expect some more of this tuype of landscapes from me.

Pretty pleased with the resulting sharpness, given that the ferry is a good 4km away from my camera.
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Very pretty image. I like the colors and the silhouette of the boat and mountains.
Very pretty image. I like the colors and the silhouette of the boat and mountains.
Thank you. I could wish for some separation between the top of the ferry and the background. But There was no time to get any higher to make that happen, as the ferry was underway. Some times we have to take what we can get 🙃
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