Opinion needed! Point & shoot camera


TPF Noob!
Mar 23, 2009
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Hey Guys,
So I narrowed it down to two point & shoot cameras :

1. The Canon G10
2. Sigma DP2

Now, The husband will be purchasing me one tomorrow. I need to know which one I should get.... I've been reading so many reviews but I cant seem to decide! Help! Which do you think is better, image quality wise and features....? Which would you prefer!?
Sorry to widen your narrowing-down but i think a true contender for the G10 is the LX3 from Panasonic :-)

G10 sample pictures
Canon PowerShot G10 Review: 25. Samples: Digital Photography Review

Panasonic LX3 sample pictures
Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3 Review: 18. Samples: Digital Photography Review

The G10 is a better tool than the DP2, IMO. Given the choice, I'd by the LX3. Hope you can decide.


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Hmm its really hard to decide. I have been comparing cameras and have read good reviews on the G10 but then looked at the SIGMA DP2 website and it seems so appealing to me. I dont know much about cameras but in my previous thread I had mentioned that I want something that will produce clear quality pictures. I'm just not sure which of the two I should go for. I however have not looked into the panasonic.

Well the DP2 is $200 more than either the canon or the panasonic and
the DP2 has a fixed 24mm lens, the others have zooms.

The DP2 has a good pixel density ratio of 1.6 mp/cm2 but only 4.6mp
overall. I'd want at least 6mp, especially considering that price tag.

To answer your original question: 100% the G10. Based on capabilities.
If the aesthetic design of the camera is the most important then: either/
whichever =-)
So would you say that a G10 is just as good as a sigma dp2 then? and what do you mean that the sigma has just 24mm lens and the others have zoom? does that mean that the sigma has 'fixed' lens and cannot zoom?
Yes, 24mm fixed - no zoom only legwork. Fine for standing up/stepping back and taking a photo of your family huddled around a birthday cake.
No good for distance details. Steetscenes and context - it would be OK.

The Canon doesn't have a 'powerful' zoom - its not for wildlife as such.
It's for close up semi-'portrait' type shots across the room, or leaning over
the rope at a museum and getting a general detail shot. you know what i mean?

I'd say the DP2 is not as good as the G10. the G10 is a better
camera. Better made, better functionality, better tool.
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Oh Gotcha!
A friend just suggested the leica d-lux 4? How is that one?
(one of the user reviews)

This fabulous camera replaced my Contax T3, a fine film P&S in its own right. The images from the D-Lux 4 are simply astounding. I do not hesitate to take it right up to ISO 1600, especially when shooting B&W. I agree with another reviewer: there is little need to shoot raw with this camera.


These are all niggles and not really problems...

If you are a serious shooter, this is a two or three battery camera--don't go out for a full day with only one battery. Retro lens cap (snap on) is annoying, but works fine. No hot shoe cover, but you can get one cheap (like from one of your other cameras). Doesn't hold self-timer settings between shots. Rebate is slow to arrive, but that won't affect current buyers.

The English manual is a bit of a laugher.

Well a Contax T3 owner should know about great image quality.
But the warning about battery life of D-LUX4 would put me off.
Thats annoying with any digital camera.
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Definitely the G10... The LX3 has the edge up in size, faster glass, and wider angle. I'd take the LX3 as a street shooter.

The Dlux4 is a Leica tweeked(?) LX3 at a significant priced premium. I am a Leica shooter and even I feel that there isn't enough added value to justify the Leica Dlux4 over the LX3.
Definitely the G10... The LX3 has the edge up in size, faster glass, and wider angle. I'd take the LX3 as a street shooter.

The Dlux4 is a Leica tweeked(?) LX3 at a significant priced premium. I am a Leica shooter and even I feel that there isn't enough added value to justify the Leica Dlux4 over the LX3.

So you would definitely recommend the G10 then? When you say faster glass what do you mean by this?

I understand that the leica dlux 4 has alot of features to add to your phototaking.... does the G10 have just the same?
there is a switch on that panasonic lens for the aspect ratio... that's pretty cool.
i've talked to quite a few people that have the G10 and absolutely love it. they find it as an adequate backup to their DSLRs. don't know anyone with any other cameras mentioned.
there is a switch on that panasonic lens for the aspect ratio... that's pretty cool.
i've talked to quite a few people that have the G10 and absolutely love it. they find it as an adequate backup to their DSLRs. don't know anyone with any other cameras mentioned.

What is the aspect ratio? Also, which is better in terms of low light performance? Thanks for all your input.
Hey Guys,
So I narrowed it down to two point & shoot cameras :

1. The Canon G10
2. Sigma DP2

Now, The husband will be purchasing me one tomorrow. I need to know which one I should get.... I've been reading so many reviews but I cant seem to decide! Help! Which do you think is better, image quality wise and features....? Which would you prefer!?
The Sigma DP2 will have better image quality than the Canon G10 because it uses a image sensor that is almost as big as the image sensors they use in DSLRs...the image sensor in most P&S cameras is really small compared to the image sensor in DSLRs. With image sensors size does matters...bigger is better.

And even though it's a 4.5 megapixel camera, that's deceiving because the image sensor it uses isn't your typical design (Bayer), it's completely different (Foveon) and should be thought of as more like a 10 megapixel camera (Sigma calls it a 14 mp camera). But it's not always about the megapixels.

You really should compare images side by side to really see how good the image quality from a Sigma DP2 will be. Check out this web page about the Sigma DP1 (older model) and it shows the difference in image quality between the DP1 and a G9 (older Canon model)...FYI the G9 is a 12mp camera but has a typical P&S sized image sensor. Scroll down the page to the flowers. The image from the G9 is starting to get noisy and losing detail but the image from the DP1 is still smooth and crisp.

This web page shows the size differences between different image sensors. The image sensor size of the Foveon is shown and you can compare it to the the image sensor from the Canon G2 (same size as the G10). The Foveon is much bigger and almost the same size as the image sensors found in DSLRs.

This web page has some nice sample shots (one at 100% crop) that shows just how good the image quality from the DP2 is.

The Sigma DP2 doesn't have as many features as some of the other advanced P&S cameras out there, but it really isn't a P&S camera in the normal sense because of the image sensor. It's small like a P&S camera but it takes pictures that compare to pictures from a DSLR.

Do you want a feature rich camera that takes okay pictures? Or do you want a compact camera that takes great pictures?
OK I have looked at into the Sigma but then people are telling me different things! A friend said that if i were to spend money on a DP2 then I might as well get a Leica DLUX 4. If I just go for a CANON G10 will I be dissapointed? I wish i could try the leica and sigma out in stores, but the closest one to us is best buy!

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