PA Grand Canyon


TPF Noob!
Sep 28, 2015
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I woke up at 3am and drove 2 and a half hours to hopefully catch and awesome sunrise over the gorge. I was disappointed when the golden hour finally came and there was no gold :( The sky ended up blah, but there was a nice form of fog moving up above the river.... This was my first time here so I was kind of in a hurry to find a place to take a decent shot.... It looks better done in Light Room but here's a quick phone edit of one of the better shots I ended up with....
I think this has some real potential. I find it pleasing. Perhaps a few minutes in Lightroom might give it that extra boost.
I agree with the comments above. With a little tweaking in lightroom, I think you could have a killer shot. Maybe not the shot you were hoping for, but something to be happy with for sure!
that is a great view you found!
Very nice photo..

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