Photo for Editing/C&C


TPF Noob!
Jan 7, 2011
Reaction score
Midwest, USA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Okay, first camera ever, first time taking pictures ever (except the horrible ones we used to take on a P&S)... This was probably one of the better photos taken and wonder if there is anything that can be done afterwards to enhance the photo (editing) as well as taking the picture that could have helped out (critique)?

Only thing that looks weird is how many layers of clothes she has on makes her stomach funny. I'll try to just crop that out...

Very new... Can barely figure out how to get photo in here...
It's actually not a bad image at all; some minor saturation and brightness/curves adjustments will have it looking very nice. A couple of points: Don't forget to ensure that you hold your camera level (everything in the image leans to the right) and consider different, less distracting backgrounds. You've got a good start of using focus to separate the subject from the background, but there's still so much going on that it really detracts from the subject.
Point taken on the background being busy. I'm not sure on the angle / lean. I think it's the person leaning in the photo.

Another shot to show what I mean... (her standing straight up)


EDIT_ONLY_MRPINK_TPF by Matt Francosky, on Flickr

Couldn't fix the tilt without cutting more of her head off than was done in the original. Cropped it down to reduce the effect that it caused on the photo. Eye brightening, skin softening, noise reduction, black point set, slight sharpening, etc.

Wow pink!!! Yours and Rez...amazing editin skills!!
I agree your on a good start. As mentioned just beware to not cut the top of the head off. Actually this shot would have worked good had you gone vertical with the shot thus getting more of the woman in the photo with less dead space on the sides.

I suck at editing so im not going to weigh in on that.
But you did mention the background being too busy. It's really not bad but if it bothers you, open up the apture to get a shorter depth of feild. Atleast I think thats the setting change you would use.. Im still new
Wow, lots of good editing. Thanks for all. Pink, I do like yours and do like all. Yeah I'm not sure why I cut the top of the head off, point taken there too.

Back on level, what's the best way to make sure level? I think I have some other photos that if cropped down (as in pink's) will look nicer.
This is my try

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The editing programs I have are the ones that came with the Canon T2i I took these with. Is there a standard tool to whiten eyes and teeth as you guys have done?

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