Photography Laws in Canada (Specifically Ontario)


TPF Noob!
Feb 17, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Can you Legally Photograph a Roof that you Find interesting if you intend to Make Prints for Sale? Or do you need Property release for that One? Any Clues?

Dino, this is a photography related topic and not an Off Topic Chat subject.

The appropriate forum would have been:
Photographic Discussions
A place to discuss what photography means to you: your influences, ethical challenges, abstract ideas, and other non-technical matters about photography and photographers.

I am not a lawyer, but it is likely the same in Canada as it is in the USA.
If it can be seen from public property you do not need a property release.

Plus, like here in the US prints for sale is probably not a commercial use of a photograph in Canada. It is likely an editorial use and editorial use does not usually require a release, even if there are people in the photo(s).

But, be wary of legal advice you get in an online photography forum. The best course of action is to consult with an attorney familiar with Canadian publication law.
And so, moved to a more appropriate forum.

I'm not a lawyer, don't play one on television, and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, heck, I don't even live in Ontario, but... I'm Canadian. As Keith stated, our laws are relatively similar and with the exception of any provincial privacy statutes, there should be no issue, however if you want a definitive answer, please consult an IP lawyer practicing in your area. I certainly wouldn't worry about anything if I saw a roof I liked and wanted to make & sell prints.

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