Photoshop help


TPF Noob!
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, UK
Can someone tell me how to smooth and tone down the highlights on paul's forehead please? I am quite experienced at photoshop but everything I've tried just doesn't quite work. I'm using CS2

If I couldn't find anything else that worked like the healing brush maybe, I'd try using the clone tool and select another area on the forehead close to that area and keep at it until it blended in.

Actually, if you take the eyedropper and select a color close to the area you want to fix, and then use the brush tool, normal mode, and about 50% opacity, it looks decent
Duplicate your background layer, and use the clone tool to smooth it out. Low opacty, feathered brush.

Lower the opacity of the layer when you are done to let some of the original texture back in. Makes it look less fake. Then if you want/need, duplicate the layer again, run a 6 pixel gaussian blur, and set the layer opacity to 50%. Mask off everything but the face, and then mask off the eybrows, eyes, and lips. This leaves the skin nicely blurred and soft. Adjust the layer opacity again as need. I usually will drop it down around 25-35%.
thanks, i understand 99% of what you guys said but can you explain using the clone tool as I have never used it before (even though I know it's very useful!)
Spot healing brush, a little hue adjustment and a neat plugin by kodak called digital brush.
I agree. The Kodak plugin can easily be overdone. A full length portrait with only certain selections is what it is best suited for. Full frontals like yours would have probably benefitted more with a slight guasian blur.
I personally think skin grafts are the easiest way to fix litle problems like this. Its much more realistic to use existing skin/data than to fabricate using cloning that doesn't always look very good on things with higher detail.

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