photoshop work for sale


TPF Noob!
Jan 12, 2008
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I am very proficient in photoshop and am willing to edit photos for a small fee...I am best at combining color and black&white...I have created multiple images of flowers that are in color and the rest of the image black&white...I have dealt with all different types of photography (portraits, landscape, architecture, nature, sports, etc.) and have used photoshop in all of these...I can manipulate your picture in almost any way...if you want further information please reply to this thread or email me at forum is not for people to complain, question my skill, credibility, etc. this forum is for people wanting to get a photo edited...


i would love to do a sample for you....please send me the pic and i can do a sample and give you a can email me from now on to make sure i get your message...just tell me what you want done
i currently do not have a website, but if you give me a pic i am willing to do a sample for you so you can be the judge...i would love to do a sample pic for you

i have no doubt in your skill, the question is what do you do with the image when you're done?

keep it on your computer?
sell it off as your own?

methinks anyone who accepts your 'offer' is a fool

Your credibility = ZERO
i am not looking to sell these photos off to anyone...i will send them back to you and will not use them in any type of contest or sales...i have my own photos...i am just looking for some extra money...i will just keep them as photos i have edited in my portfolio...i can not express enough that i will not sell your photos...
this offer is for people who would like someone experienced in photoshop to edit their pictures for them....i am not one to scam...i have sold many things on ebay, guides, materials, etc. and every one of my customers has been extremely happy....
uh huh :roll:

Credibility = zip, zero, nada.

You don't even have any examples to show, let alone website, or CONTACT INFORMATION besides a lousy email address.

Nobody with even a shred of pride in their own work would trust someone named yankees3791, with no contact information to have access to their own work.

Please, enlighten us, what separates you from anyone else trying to sell $5 Nokia's?
this offer is for people who would like someone experienced in photoshop to edit their pictures for them....i am not one to scam...i have sold many things on ebay, guides, materials, etc. and every one of my customers has been extremely happy....

Experienced you might be, for what I know but, don't you think that there are at least equally experienced people on this Forum at the Photoshop skills? Just wondering...
you can believe whatever you want, but I am experienced at photoshop and would like to help those who want their photos edited...i am willing to provide samples for people if they ask for them...i am just trying to earn some money
I know there are many experienced people in photoshop on this website. I have taken courses and other classes on it...i use it everyday...this is just a way for people that do not know how to do it, let an experienced person do it...
this forum is not for people to complain, question my skill, credibility, etc. this forum is for people wanting to get a photo edited...thanks
Im Really good in photoshop and ill do all your editing for free!!! ( no, I wont so dont ask )

And then ill keep the image ;)

I dont even trust flickr with my photos...
Look, I am not saying you shouldn't profit from your talents, it's just the fact that you haven't been an established poster on this Forum and yet you're soliciting. I'd say, post some examples of your work and then let it be. People might get interested if they see samples of your work.

Good luck to you.

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