Pink and greys


TPF Noob!
Apr 30, 2005
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Hi guys, first post.
Pictures from Australia, Just getting into photography and loving it.

Red Deer

Hallo Adam, and welcome to the forum.
For me, it is always and again very interesting to get shown photos from "the other side of the world", so I am enjoying these very much, too.
I used to know the name of those pink birds... but I forgot.
I do like the photo of the red deer - if you read this forum carefully, you will find out that I am the one who has such great trouble in getting the local wildlife into my photos - with me they always a) stay far away and b) then RUN away (showing me their behinds, no more, in the process) ;).
Hi Adam and welcome!
I love these shots. The colour of the dirt in the first photo is great. and the sunset is gorgeous. Where did you get the picture of the Red Deer, I dont' think I've ever seen one of these. (thinking that you must be a southerner, I'm from Far North QLD)

Now you've gone and made me homesick!

And LaFoto, the pink and grey bird is called a Galah. (Like a Gala (ball) but with the stress on the LAH) They always fly around in huge flocks.... look on the tree in the background and you'll see heaps of them!!!
Ah, yes, now I remember, as you're saying it. Galah! Of course.
(This bird's name is used in an Australian curse as well, isn't it?)
"your a bloody Galah mate" :wink:

Meysha I photographed the Red deer in the Brisbane Valley area near Gympie. The sunset and Galah's were photographed in Western Australia bordering the desert. Most things are dry and dead up there but these birds are survivors.

Feral goats another harse surviver, drinking time

love these birds, had to make a blind and sit out most of the day. Well worth it.

Afternoon air.

This is that red deer before bounding off like bambi. The stag is soaking wet and muddy from wallowing.
welcome aboard! nice shots... I like the one with a deer :p
I like the second lot of pics as well.
And silly me I didn't even look at your Location when you posted. I would've seen you're from Perth. That's a great town. I love it.

Plus you're very close to the Margaret River area - great landscape and great wine... what more could you want?!
Welcome to the forum! Nice shots, the dear is great but I REALLY like the afternoon air shot. great stuff :thumbup: Hope to see more soon.
Heavens Light

Fire Line

Stupid Good For nothin Power Lines, accept power of course the recharge camera battery, run computer etc etc.
You probably shoud've posted those last 3 photos in a new thread because they don't really fit with your other pics in this thread. maybe.
Plus you'll probably get more people looking at it if you start a new thread on a different theme. (People here usually think you're not gonna post a different type of pic in the same thread so they might not re-visit it coz they've seen it and commented).

But that "Heaven's Light"! WOW! That is absolutely gorgeous. Have you got a bigger version? And the other two are great. But I can't see any power lines in there.
I can see them, but I had to begin to look very closely AFTER I had read the comment. Beautiful photos all over again, Adam, but yes, also I'd suggest you feel free to start a new thread with a new set of photos. Thus yesterday's photos will be pushed to page 4 or 5 in an instance, but well... we do live with a huge FLOOD of photos here every day, anyway.
Thansk guys Ill start a new thread with the scenary ones :wink:
And thanks for the welcomes all.

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