Portrait 0001

The Phototron

TPF Noob!
Jun 26, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Comments and critiques are welcome.

Edit: whenever I import the file to web, the bleeding color saturation drop like crazy!
Re; color sat. - are you changing profile to sRGB before saving at web size?

Wonderfully sharp.
the lighting imbalance is causing her right cheek to be very pale (and the left to be a little reddish)
Re; color sat. - are you changing profile to sRGB before saving at web size?

Wonderfully sharp.
the lighting imbalance is causing her right cheek to be very pale (and the left to be a little reddish)
Nope, I use Photoshop's "save to web" function I thought that convert the profile automatically.

The lighting falloff is unfortunate, because there's no more space to move the light farther away from the subject in my apartment. I will try it somewhere else.
Nope, I use Photoshop's "save to web" function I thought that convert the profile automatically.

The lighting falloff is unfortunate, because there's no more space to move the light farther away from the subject in my apartment. I will try it somewhere else.

That strips out data.
Try converting to jpg and then save as jpg.
See if they look different on upload.

(She's beautiful)

loss of colour saturation when you view on the internet is prob down to your browser. If you have checked the ICC profile box when you "Save for Web" or "Save as" jpeg it will not lose any colour quality when you view it through Safari, last time i checked (about 6 months ago) Safari was the only web browser which actually able to do this (although Mozilla was planning to do it with the next update, which may be available by now)
There is some background light that is spilling onto the subject causing some overexposure - loss of hair and white shoulders.

A nice image though.
There is some background light that is spilling onto the subject causing some overexposure - loss of hair and white shoulders.

A nice image though.
No the light was aimed at her back directly.

Good job preventing reflections from her glasses.
I read somewhere that you can minimize flare by raising the key light higher, so I did that.

loss of colour saturation when you view on the internet is prob down to your browser. If you have checked the ICC profile box when you "Save for Web" or "Save as" jpeg it will not lose any colour quality when you view it through Safari, last time i checked (about 6 months ago) Safari was the only web browser which actually able to do this (although Mozilla was planning to do it with the next update, which may be available by now)
I did check it once, but didn't see much difference. I am using Mozilla so that might be the problem.
No the light was aimed at her back directly.

I read somewhere that you can minimize flare by raising the key light higher, so I did that.

Well the light is spilling too much over her hair and shoulders.
Well the light is spilling too much over her hair and shoulders.
I just started playing around with my speedotron pack, so even "mistakes" look good to me.

But yeah I can see how that's a problem. Should I use a honeycomb or something?

And is it okay to tape some gaffer's tape around it to achieve the same effect (limiting light spread), I just don't want the tape to caught on fire.
You might look at using barn doors to direct the light into the right places.

Don't get me wrong I really like the image but the hair just doesn't look right.

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