Post Production Question


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
If someone took a bad picture and it's possible to improve it on photoshop or any other editing programs, do a photographer still be worried about a good photo taken?
Photos can only be improved a little bit. If you manipulate the photos with photoshop, it takes a lot of time. But if the photo is blurry, then you are out of luck.
i think you can make the blurriest photos be very clear. they do it all the time on CSI Las Vegas. :)
If someone took a bad picture and it's possible to improve it on photoshop or any other editing programs, do a photographer still be worried about a good photo taken?
Bad in what way?

Out of focus cannot be 'fixed'. Bad composition might be improved with a crop. Exposure errors might be correctable with a parametric image editor.

It is always better to get it as close to right in the camera as possible.
I think a potentially good picture can be made great with (restrained) post-processing, but a bad image can never be made good. :)
I've been taking photos for 30 years. I expect about 30% will make the final cut. Do I worry about the 70%? No that is just the way it goes. Once in a while the pose, the subject, the lighting etc will be kind of on the unusual or on the rare side and it did not turn out great. Then I will give a lot of effort to trying to rescue that one with PP
I use Apple Aperture along Nik softwares, and I find the combination between the 2 softwares work really well with bringing out the colors, and the details in all my photos.
If someone took a bad picture and it's possible to improve it on photoshop or any other editing programs, do a photographer still be worried about a good photo taken?

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