Quick question

Vagabond Photos

TPF Noob!
Jan 27, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I've been taking photos in JPEG (Fine) and not NEF (RAW) because when I first got my camera (Nikon D80) and Lens (not that it matters but, 18-105mm, f3.8 -f22) I did a test to see if the quality was really any different. I took a still life photo in JPEG (fine) with a tripod and with artificial light and then took the same photo -same settings- in RAW. I then dumped it into Aperture and used the Loupe and zooms to see any difference in quality. I couldn't see a difference at all! Am I crazy? Do you need to throw it into photoshop to see the difference for some strange reason? Should I switch to RAW? I have the space!

Thanks so much for your help
while they may look identical on a loupe, it's about the ability to edit the image which separates RAW from JPG. MUCH more latitude on RAW.
Did you do anything to the RAW?

If you didn't, then no - you won't notice a difference...
The reason to shoot in RAW is not because the image SOOC looks so much better, but rather because you have so much more editing latitude. Try this test: Shoot an image outside in daylight using tungsten WB. Shoot it in Large/Fine .jpg + RAW. Now compare how long it takes you to get a normal looking image from the .jpg compared to the .nef!
RAW is like your film negative. A jpeg is like a print. You can dodge and burn and play with exposure all you want with your negative and you can always start over. With a jpeg, when you alter it there is no going back to the original quality. Shooting jpeg is fine if you don't do much post processing. I prefer raw just because I like having negatives that I can always go back to. But again, it is your preference.
Theres not going to be a difference in quality, when using jpeg your camera somewhat pre-edits the photo to however you have your camera set and you are stuck with that file. When shooting in RAW, your camera records every bit of information about the photo giving you the option to change your mind later about exposure, wb etc. Which is why the files are so large. Im a JPEG shooter... =) I like it that way.

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