Quick snap of friend of mine


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Aug 29, 2010
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Candid shot, this. We were just sitting here, such a nice place.
I rarely have people in my shots, so I'm very unsure. I do like it, though. I went for the rather high contrast monochrome as this is a shot against the sun.

What do you think?

HT by Anders Myhre Brakestad, on Flickr

Thanks for commenting!
I like the contrasty B&W; the look of the water, the trees, clouds, etc.

It's not doing your subject any favors, though. The blacks merge at the tree and there's very little separation. The hoodie obscures so much of her that you have to look hard to know there's a person there at all. I'm only assuming gender by hair.

Just a touch of foreground light would do wonders here, and personally, I'd lose the hoodie.
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About time I had a "prop" in my shots, right? :P
Great shot and really captures the scene. I like the hoodie and natural pose. Perhaps just a little definition between the person and tree would help. Maybe moving the camera just a little to the left would capture a little more of the person and move the sun light higher on the person, instead of the feet.
I don't really remember, but I might have fallen into the water if I moved more to the left. You have a valid point, though.
Second version is better. You can actually tell there is someone there and not just hair growing out of a tree. Location looks amazing. Where is this?
I think the secound one is much better. I think is shows your subject better. I do like the black and white too.
Second version is better. You can actually tell there is someone there and not just hair growing out of a tree. Location looks amazing. Where is this?

True. It's taken in Hemsedal, Norway. Pretty much in the middle of the southern part of Norway:


A beautiful place. Manyu Norwegians build cabins here, and make ugly "mountain cabin neighbourhoods", but this is out where not many people are. Seeing other people is the exception. So we went on a small "exploring" trip, and ended up here. I just snapped some quick shots of her before she knew what was going on :)
This is such a great shot Anders. My only complaint would be her hoodie. If we had some of her face here, it would make this picture something else. Her profile, or even her turned away from the camera looking out at the scene, I think it would be stronger.

I like the higher contrast version. There is some sort of bubbling along her leg, what's that from?

What a brilliant spot to shoot though. I'd go back and try again. This picture is flirting with greatness!
Wow, thanks dom! Those artifacts came from the monochrome conversion in ARC. I got rid of them for the second edit. I've also cloned out a very strong sunny line reflection in the water, as it was very annoying.

I suspect I'll be going back here sometime, but when I cannot tell. Not my cabin. It was beautiful. I could sit there for hours, just relaxing, but we had to return for dinner (lol) :D

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