Recommendations-first dslr


TPF Noob!
Jul 1, 2009
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Right now I am in the market for my first dslr. I have approximately $1400 canadian to spend on the body and a lens. I have done my research and I am now leaning toward the Nikon D90 w. 18-105mm f3.5-5.6G ED VR or the Canon EOS 40D w.17-85mm f4-5.6 IS USM. But my view is meek, considering my lack of experience and expertise. Can you lend a hand and point me in the right direction. Can you give me a recommendation for my first dslr?
Either camera would be a great first DSLR. I'm a Canon shooter so I'm biased towards the 40D.

What king of photography are you interested in?
Either camera would be a great DSLR. I'm a Canon shooter so I'm biased towards the 40D.

What king of photography are you interested in?

My interests lie in nature, and macro photography.
What I would suggest is to look at the Canon XS, XSi or T1i since they are entry level DSLRs and then look at wide angle lenses for landscapes and macro lenses for closeup photography. With the entry level DSLRs costing less you can put more money into your lenses.

If you have big hands you'll definitely want to get a battery grip if you get one of the entry level Canons.
What I would suggest is to look at the Canon XS, XSi or T1i since they are entry level DSLRs and then look at wide angle lenses for landscapes and macro lenses for closeup photography. With the entry level DSLRs costing less you can put more money into your lenses.

If you have big hands you'll definitely want to get a battery grip if you get one of the entry level Canons.

i agree
Take a look at the Pentax K20D. I have 2 of them and I need to say. My D700 does not have much on it.
For the price I would say a D80 over a D90. A D80 can be had for a better price. The k20d vs a d700... Hmmm... I bet Nikon Lovers would love to flame that lol. I cannot comment as I am not a Pentax guy. Though, when I was into astrophotography Pentax had some of the best APO-retractors know to man. :)
For the price I would say a D80 over a D90. A D80 can be had for a better price. The k20d vs a d700... Hmmm... I bet Nikon Lovers would love to flame that lol. I cannot comment as I am not a Pentax guy. Though, when I was into astrophotography Pentax had some of the best APO-retractors know to man. :)

I know, I was hesitant in saying that. I am strictly commenting on image quality though. Not auto focus speed or high iso perf or fps where the Nikon kicks it butt.

The D80 IMO is a better unit that what I have seen compared to the D90. You can't go wrong there.
I like my D80 and I have taken some wonderful shots. I am thinking about selling my d80 to upgrade to different Camera at the moment. The D90 seems like it is pushed so much because of it's video ability but who knows.....
I would have to agree with those who recommend the entry-level body. The lens choice is far more important and if you spend less on the body, you will have more to spend on good glass. You can upgrade the body later if you really get into the hobby and save your entry-level body as a back-up.
And just FYI.... For entry level dslr's 10 mp is perfect. Dont get caught into all the hype about 15 and 20+ MP cameras being the best as it is not about that. It's great to have more pixels but unless you are doing anything that's going to be huge dont worry about it. I print great looking 30X40 prints with my D80 at 10mp. 30X40 is a good size. Get something around 10mp and a a good price. Good glass is the key to good pictures!!!! People forget that concept so very often!
It will be VERY difficult to have someone tell you which one is better. If you look at some of the past threads, there are HUGE arguments over which brand is "better" than the other. You picked out two cameras that are VERY similar in features and whatnot. Either of these setups would make you a very happy camper, and I strongly believe will make you a loyal fan of whichever brand you pick. Truthfully, I think most people who are loyal fans of whatever brand, are so because that was their first camera.

The key is to go feel them out yourself at the local camera shop. There's no real substitute for hands-on experience. Like Marvin Gaye said. "Ain't nothin' like the real thing."

Lastly, I will say if you do like nature, a 55-250 Canon or 70-300 Nikon (with image stabilization) could land you some awesome shots, especially of more skittish wildlife, like waterfowl and deer.
Truthfully, I think most people who are loyal fans of whatever brand, are so because that was their first camera.

My first camera was a Canon. My first Digi was a Sony. I now shoot Nikon. LOL I just jacked that up huh.... ;) LOL
It will be VERY difficult to have someone tell you which one is better. If you look at some of the past threads, there are HUGE arguments over which brand is "better" than the other.

I agree. I did tons of research and can't imagine it would have mattered if I'd gone with a Nikon over my Canon... especially at the entry level... the pics I'm taking right now aren't going to be any better if they're shot on my XSi, or a 5D MKII, ya know? :)

But I went with a cheaper camera so I could spend my money on glass. My body was $600, my next lens will be $1500...

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