Red Chilly


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2007
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Just want to one thing... THIS IS TEMPTING :p. Following settings were used for the shot.

ISO 200
F 3.5
Exposure 1/1600
Super Macro Mode
My watermark is a big issue :p anyways as said in anothr thread i have started using is less visible
Well, as Steph is saying: I feel you should have walked around that red chili more to find a simpler, less distracting background for it and to eliminate the shadow running across it. And it was me who has commented on the distraction your watermark gives before. It IS a big issue. It so pulls the eye!
Well, as Steph is saying: I feel you should have walked around that red chili more to find a simpler, less distracting background for it and to eliminate the shadow running across it. And it was me who has commented on the distraction your watermark gives before. It IS a big issue. It so pulls the eye!

Oh my watermark :( well I am amature... so about bg and other stuff I am sorry and next thread will b with 7% opacity watermark. :)

Moreover my photography teacher was shouting at me when I was taking this snap. He wanted to move further and I was busy with the sexy chilly :p

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