Reducing noise on action shots

Thanks for the link TC that was going to be my next question!

I didn't process anything, I just uploaded to my computer.
i tried noise ninja once. i couldnt even tell it was doing anything.

i use it everyday in my RAW converter, and it reduces noise alot if applied properly.

Maybe you did not have a noise image to start with, or you were using the wrong settings.

I use neat image only for the really bad cases, since it is a bit outside my workflow.
Opening your aperture up a bit (i dunno how open your camera will go, but f8 seems a little small here) will allow you to reduce the ISO whilst keeping the shutter speed fast.

ISO 400 on my point and shoot produces similar (though not quite as bad) noise levels, so I'd say that the ISO is your problem here.
It's underexposed as well...maybe that's part of the quality thing you're talking about.
In the first picture my eyes were drawn to the chromatic aberration at the end of the tail and the back of the hind legs. I didn't look at any closer for noise...

Is it me/my monitor or did anybody else see that?
i tried noise ninja once. i couldnt even tell it was doing anything.

Default settings it does nothing. It helps if you move the STRENGTH slider over from it's default position of 0. ;)

NN over Neat Image for me. I've had much more luck with it. Both are good, I just prefer NN becuase it is so much easier.

Pic with noise (ISO 800 @ 100% and cropped)

Same pic after Noise Ninja:

Not the best example, but one that took me about 10 seconds to make for this demo.

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