Return 60D for D7000


TPF Noob!
May 16, 2012
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Hey guys! Long time no talk! Anway so I picked up a 60d a while ago for my dslr, not a while ago, like 2-3 weeks ago.
Anyway, It was between the d7000 and the 60d, I loved both I really did, but I went with the 60d because best buy had it a bit cheaper.
But now I am looking online and the d7000 price dropped a bit. I got the package deals just so you know.
Anyway do you think it's a good choice to exchange the 60d for the d7000, I am starting to become more on a semi pro level and I am currently taking a advanced digital photo class.
So exchange for the 60d? Both felt amazing in my hands and it was a super hard choice, but I kinda have some remorse for the d7000.
What I am trying to say is, since both feel great and cost about the same, would it be a better choice?
2-3 weeks and you're already "on a semi pro level"? Interesting...

If $100 was your deciding factor between the 2 bodies, then you should stick with Canon. In general, Nikon lenses (at least new) can be more expensive than Canon lenses.
Sorry, meant to say, I will be a semipro after my classes so I need it to be still very nice. I have no problem spending more money on lenses, but at the time, the d7k was 400 dollars more for the same package. Disregard lenses, as I can always get them later, what is the better body with more potential?
Sorry, meant to say, I will be a semipro after my classes so I need it to be still very nice. I have no problem spending more money on lenses, but at the time, the d7k was 400 dollars more for the same package. Disregard lenses, as I can always get them later, what is the better body with more potential?

They're both good bodies. The 60D will be better for video, if you're interested in that. The D7k would probably be better for sports/action. But both can do either. Personally, I wouldn't switch in your position if you already have a body. You won't resell it for what you paid for it.
I am still in the return policy at best buy so I can exchange for no cost at all. I will be shooting mostly sports and urban scenes btw. I very VERY rarely do video. If I do it won't be huge.
Also, Thank you for the long response, and so first I will say, I am by myself, no friends shoot really, maybe one, but he has a kit lens, which isn't much use to me. Also I plan on shooting some sporting events for my school as well as a lot of urban photo and nature. I also a strong body because I will be lugging it around everywhere, but I have been using the 60d and it is very solid though. I was looking at this kit Nikon D7000 16.2MP DSLR Camera Kit, Bag, 16GB Memory Card & Extra 55-200mm Lens and I really think it would be a very good one. THanks, btw I have this currently Canon EOS 60D 18.0MP DSLR Camera Kit, Bag, 16GB Memory Card & 55-250mm Lens
I think I will go get the d7000, I feel too much remorse.

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