River in black and white


TPF Noob!
May 5, 2009
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North Carolina
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Tell me what you think, thanks!

You NEED a neutral density filter. The water is to blown out. When shooting this type of shoot. Be sure to shot in Raw as it saves every bit of detail. Also, do not be afraid to stack exposures giving a a creamier water flow. Lastly I would focus more on the water. I would drop about 30% of the top of the picture allowing for more of the river to be in focus.
I like the BW idea, but I agree with the above that there is too much on the top of the picture... fill your frame with the subject leaving enough background for the viewer to know the setting.

I like the flow of the water as well. Watch those shadows...you have some very dark and very blown out areas.
You NEED a neutral density filter. The water is to blown out. When shooting this type of shoot. Be sure to shot in Raw as it saves every bit of detail. Also, do not be afraid to stack exposures giving a a creamier water flow. Lastly I would focus more on the water. I would drop about 30% of the top of the picture allowing for more of the river to be in focus.

x2 Couldn't have said it better myself.
hm... Makes me happy to know people agree with my advise.... lol :greenpbl:

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