"Save The Date" C&C Welcome


TPF Noob!
Jun 11, 2007
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Ann Arbor, MI
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I was hired to do some "SAVE THE DATE" work for a couple who is getting married. They came up with this idea to make their save the date mailers look like photobooth strips....you'll get the idea when you see it in its whole when I have figured out how to get them together as one picture in PS on a later date (if anyone can steer me in the right direction of making this happen, feel free to send ideas my way.) But I wanted some advice on the "THE" photo. I am not sure if how I colorized it was a good way. They didn't use 3D letters for the "THE" like they did with "SAVE" & "DATE" so if anyone has any input on what they think should be colorized, please feel free to let me know! thanks guys!

I know there are some minor changes that need to be made with contrast and stuff like that, this is all still in the beginning stages in that sense =)



If they wanted a photobooth type of look, then having a thick, standard curtain in the back might of worked.
I'm really not digging how they were cut out, specially in 2 (and 1 also) you see alot of white around their heads. In 2, you also see some weird black on his hand. I'd work more on the cutting them out part for the final montage. Cutting out is very hard when it comes to people's hair. And the black hair on black background is not a good choice.
As for merging them together, you have to start by making your canvas bigger, so that it could fit all 3 images.
I would then create 3 new layers on your bigger canvas, one for each picture to be added.
yea, i'm not digging the cut outs on this at all.. you would have been better to use either a good black screen, or even a green screen, and chroma keyed it out..
I really like this concept. The second picture looks off to me, the color fill for the back sort of makes them look like they are just floating. What was the original background? Anyway you could make that work for what you need?
They want the final montage to look like a photobooth strip....not necessarily everything else to look that way also though. They actually like the way the black makes them and the colors kind of pop.....as for the white edges around the hair, as I stated in the beginning, I am not done tweaking the little things like that.....They are a rather different couple...very fun and easy going. They were just looking for a not-so-typical way of doing these....I believe we all got just what they wanted....What I was really looking for with this thread was the advice on how to get it into photobooth form? I am just a NEWBY in PS and don't even know how to create layers just yet....

I did not do any cutting to these pictures. I do not have a steady enough hand. I simply colored in most of it with black and then went in and burned the edges I couldn't quite get. That's as far as my skills go =)
putting them in a photobooth form would be easy, which i'd be happy to tell u how to do...

problem I see is that you have 2 vertical and 1 horizontal picture. so when they go onto the strip, are you going to turn the last photo 90 degrees?

if so, i think you will lose the feeling you get of them laying on the ground, holding the letters.... instead they will just be popping in from one side, which might look a little odd (in my opinion)

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