

TPF Noob!
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
NY State
hey, opinions please..this is one of my favorite pics I've done.
Personaly I think I'd leave the color alone. It has a natural look to it.
I'm torn on the color here. I like the natural lighting, and it brings a softness to the photo. I think some areas could be lightened a bit to bring out some additional detail in the leaves. Nice photo.
Color depends on the photographer and what he's looking for. If you're looking for what I believe was a dull scene (color wise) anyway, let the natural tones rule. If you want saturated color, get busy in PS. Play around with it and see what you like. MHO
hmm ok.. I thought too much color might make it look fake i guess.. let me know what ya think of this one? I think it has too much oomph ( that a word? lol )
I think i prefer the second one... with the exception of the red in the branches (which is a bit distracting)

it has more of a lush, oasis-like, hidden treasure kind of quality, rather than just a boring old stream picture.
I prefer number 1. I think the photograph is really nice, the quality is good as well. It's just a shame about the size.
I like #2 better, too. It has a story-book quality. I don't mind the red branches--it's just a minor tradeoff for overall improvement.

The exposure in #1 looks faultless on my monitor.

Nice Shot.

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