SD Cards 80/mbs


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Mar 9, 2014
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Are they always $40 for a 32 gb, or are they really on sale right now? If they're on sale, than I'll go scoop some up.
Yes that is a normal price. I got one for around that price over a year ago not on any particularly special sale.

That doesn't mean they aren't a useful product or a good deal, though... if you can afford it and need more flash cards get it anyway.
That seems to be the normal price. What brand is it? You can get a Sandisk Extreme Pro 32gb SDHC Class 1- UHS-1 with 95mbps on Amazon for about $10 more and they have other 32gb cards that range $18-50. I think that the price on memory cards has dropped some in the past few months.
Ok. It's a SanDisk. Thanks for the info.
Beware: some SD cards have different read and write speeds... possibly by a lot. (haven't looked at the ones being discussed here in particular).
Beware: some SD cards have different read and write speeds... possibly by a lot. (haven't looked at the ones being discussed here in particular).

That's generally the case with any memory device. This one is 80 read 60 write

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