

TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2005
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In a black hole
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I don't know what the appeal was with these few dead trees? But I had to park my truck and walk back uphill almost a half mile for this shot.

yea i would have walked back too..... great lookin trees, well captured again woody, great stuff :thumbup:
Well, I would think their appeal is in their spikey-ness as opposed to the softly rolling hills in the background and the equally soft, plump clouds in the sky, also in their being dead and grey while the young grass on the hills is fresh, new, a WONDERFUL GREEN (!) ... and all is lit by a very nice sun --- to me THAT would have been the attraction!
very appealing shot, woods... :thumbup: these green hills are so different from your normal stomping grounds... where have you been shooting?
LOve it. I would have walked back too. Love the sky have the coolest backdrops
I really love the colours and textures on your landscape pictures. It's something very impressive...
Great shot Woodster.. I would have hiked for this one too.. very contrasty shot as LaFoto explains very well.. I would have walk a little further into the scene, and taken one or two in front of those dead branches layong down, just to compare. ( did you do this)???
Raymond J Barlow said:
Great shot Woodster.. I would have hiked for this one too.. very contrasty shot as LaFoto explains very well.. I would have walk a little further into the scene, and taken one or two in front of those dead branches layong down, just to compare. ( did you do this)???
Someday...we'll shoot together Ray ;) I wanted to, but there was a fence there. I was all wet when I got up. I had to lay in the wet grass, compose the best I could, then I stuck the cam through the barbed wire for the shot.
woodsac said:
Someday...we'll shoot together Ray ;) I wanted to, but there was a fence there. I was all wet when I got up. I had to lay in the wet grass, compose the best I could, then I stuck the cam through the barbed wire for the shot.

AHHHH,. well then that is cool, either way, the shot is awesome.. I look fwd to a shoot with you.. that would be awesome.
I really really REALLY like that shot, Woodsac. The processing is perfect... Wow. I just can't stop staring at it.
I like this shot, reminds me of area going in Yosemite from the west with its natural dark green rolling hills and deep blue skies

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