spinning spun out

camera obscura

TPF Noob!
Jul 7, 2009
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Dallas, TX
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I've never posted this many pics before. Got the Nikon Remote today so I tried some macro shots of my turntable; a Technics 1200. It's a classic TT. Anyway, I experimented with Aperture and Flash. Then did some variations with Topaz Adjust. I hope you like them. It's OK if you don't or think I might have done something better.




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i personally prefer the second one. nice and crisp.

just a question... i can see you live in USA but the nick says different. It sounds romanian. What nationality are you?
The last 3 images are the results of Topaz presets? Don't care for them, I like the original better. White balance looks off a little though...looks yellowish.
The last 3 images are the results of Topaz presets? Don't care for them, I like the original better. White balance looks off a little though...looks yellowish.

I agree the second is the best. The white balance needs adjustment aswell. Where u shootin in auto focus or manual?
just a question... i can see you live in USA but the nick says different. It sounds romanian. What nationality are you?

If you are talking about the name, it is a reference to a pinhole type camera.

The original is the best, I find I don't always like the topaz results.
Cuban born Abelardo Morell used rooms as the camera. He let a pinhole leak scenary into the room.
See Amazon.com: Camera Obscura: Abelardo Morell, Luc Sante: Books

I actually didn't know about Morell when I chose my name. I was thinking of the opposite to Barthes' Camera Lucida. Just fyi.

Thanks for the comment.
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The last 3 images are the results of Topaz presets? Don't care for them, I like the original better. White balance looks off a little though...looks yellowish.

I agree the second is the best. The white balance needs adjustment aswell. Where u shootin in auto focus or manual?

Auto focus. Thanks for the comment.
The second one, even though lots of people liked it, looked overly sharp to me. But that's how some people like their stuff.

I liked the first one, and then your redo later on... :-)

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