Spring Runoff


TPF Noob!
Aug 11, 2017
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Langley, BC
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I am a hobbiest when it comes to photography and have discovered that the side benefit is it gets me away from my desk and outside. Lurked on this site for a couple of days and thought why not see what others think. Never shared any pictures publicly and looking for any feedback.

I am a hobbiest when it comes to photography and have discovered that the side benefit is it gets me away from my desk and outside. Lurked on this site for a couple of days and thought why not see what others think. Never shared any pictures publicly and looking for any feedback.

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Nice shot! I recently toured BC and you've really caught the color of that glacial runoff. Keep posting.. I learned a lot by lurking here, but much more by posting.
The water's color is beautiful! I walk my dog 3 times per day on my days off and always take the camera. You never know what you will see and catch.

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