Still learning


Heavily Medicated For Your Protection
Feb 23, 2004
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Not in Arizona anymore
A few of Photogoddesses nieces from our Father's Day get together. More of a post processing lesson for me with a new B&W conversion plug-in and some toning stuff I figured out. Feel free to critique away about whatever it is you're seeing.



Loving # 2 - what a gorgeous shot - love everything about it - the light on her hair, the tones - excellent stuff - feel free to pm me the tips for such a great look! would love to learn!!!!!!!! I love it xx
I agree, both prints have great tonal ranges and the second shot is really cute. I think the sunlight on her hair is a bit hot and my eye keeps going toward that spot since it is kind of a wide area. It works as it is, but something to think about or putz around with if you want to try. It probably could be left because the contrast is pretty high. Love the intensity of the black background color.
:drool: LOVE that 2nd .. what did you do?
The 2nd one jumped out at me, more than any shot I've seen in a while. There are a few things that I could nit-pick about but the wow factor trumps them all. Nice work Michael.

If you have figured something out, we are all ears... :D
Still learning... and learning FAST! I'm amazed at how well you went from landscapes to photographing small children running around like wild indians. :hail: I'm really diggin the new photoshop actions you've been working with. :mrgreen:
WOW... #2 is a beautiful shot, it captured a wonderful moment and it has wonderful tones on her skin.

Mind sharing how you illuminated her face and what processing you did to the shot?
Number two is special in so many different ways, her expression, the lighting. Wow. I too am curious as to how you achieved the tones.

Wow.....I totally didn't expect this kind of feedback, thank you guys. :mrgreen:

I didn't do anything new or amazing in the way of post processing. I was just trying a few new things to see how they worked. First was a plug-in B&W convertor that does exactly the same thing as the PS channel mixer, it just gives you a few more channels to play with. Nothing top secret, it's free at Photo-Plugins. Not the greatest interface but it gets the job done with a little more flexibility in the way of control. It has a pretty nifty toner as well but I've been toning by adding a Color Fill Layer on top of the original and adjusting the opacity. Basically just working with colors that resemble tea or coffee and tweaking to suit. Then I finished em' up using Neat Image for the sharpening duties.

As far as lighting goes in the second shot, it's just mainly back light with enough light bounced off the flat stones in front of her to get some of it back on her face.

Thank you all for the kind comments ;) and to Daniel for the POTM nomination.


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