Still shooting | Few photos | Life update


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 14, 2009
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Hey guys, I really need to start getting active again on here. Met a lot of great people and would hate to lose touch.

Life as we know gets in the way with everything. Holidays and such. And this past month has been a tough one. Started around Thanksgiving, my dishwasher broke, which is okay because I barely used it. Then Right after Christmas my Fridge broke, okay I use that everyday haha. And then two weeks ago my furnace started acting up. So its been a fun few weeks haha.

I'm pretty active on IG, seanscarmack I think, or sscarmack

First time doing a shoot like this.

Sunrise from my balcony

The puppy, not so puppy anymore haha
#1 GORgeous model and I like the makeup job and setting. Not so sure about the pose, her left arm over her knees looks a little awkward, possible because she's twisting to get her body straight for the camera but have her legs out to the side, and I'd have preferred to see her feet, too. If that wall has a angled/edged top she must have been very uncomfortable.

#2 Nice view you have there. (Not qualified to comment on landscapes.)

#3 Love the pup in the snow shot. Did you fix his eyes or are they really blue?
#1 GORgeous model and I like the makeup job and setting. Not so sure about the pose, her left arm over her knees looks a little awkward, possible because she's twisting to get her body straight for the camera but have her legs out to the side, and I'd have preferred to see her feet, too. If that wall has a angled/edged top she must have been very uncomfortable.

#2 Nice view you have there. (Not qualified to comment on landscapes.)

#3 Love the pup in the snow shot. Did you fix his eyes or are they really blue?

Haha yeah she was definitely twisted up trying to stay balance, she was actually sitting on a ledge about four feet off the ground.

I can't tell you how many mornings I just sit out there and enjoy the sunrise. Extremely peaceful.

They are extremely blue to begin with, but slight lightroom adjustments, exposure, white balance etc. No specific filters or anything on just the eyes, just overall exposure tweaks.
Loved your sunrise!

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