Stream Long Exposure... CC Please


TPF Noob!
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Southampton, MA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
There isn't enough stream to give enough interest for the viewer's eye to linger where you want it to. There's a little bit of smooth, creamy water, and then there's a big area of dead space at the bottom since the foam ends at the very end of the waterfall. I would have tilted the camera up more to get more of those vertical lines and so you can minimize that space that doesn't add much to the photo. I'm not saying to cut it out. Just cut it down.

Do you have any closer shots of the individual streams? I have a feeling those would look a bit better because the main subject would be filling the frame. :)
I tend to agree with rexbobcat - you are trying to get too much in one image. I would have isolated the stream on the right and made it the subject of my composion. I also think that you have over-exposed the stream on the right a bit, as it is just a bit too white, even blown out a bit in the lower half, whereas the rocks seem to be a bit under-exposed. Let us know the details of your exposure and if you used an ND filter and maybe you can get some pointers for next time. HTH.
I enjoy the image! Good work.
Just as an idea, here it is with a simple crop and cloned out the branch sitting on the falls.

I agree with the general consensus that the composition leaves the viewer in limbo. Your composition implies duel cascading streams, with a pool at the bottom of the cascade, yet that big rock seems to be where you want us to look. The foreground has no center of interest, and the background is just way too busy. Skyclad's edit does much to define your subject and create a interesting composition.
Good shot but like everyone has been saying, the camera should have been zoomed more or at least tilted a little higher.
I thought I uploaded the one without the branch. Redone minus the branch this time.

Slylad, your 2nd posted photo is so much better then any of the 1st set. The Vertical format works perfectly, Ones eye is now led from the pooling water up the stream and through the full image. The rocks on one side contrast very nicely with the rock covered with moss on the right side. Nicely done.
Thank you, But all I can take credit for is just a simple crop, cloning of the branch and a basic layer and filter useage. Paul was the one who took the nice original picture. And all that simple editing was done just as an example based on WesternGuy's suggestion.

I figured since Pauls photos are OK to edit, I would practice my mediocre editing skills with it in attempt to put a suggestion into something visual to give Paul something to keep in mind as he takes more photos. Just as others have done with my pictures which have helped me when I either take and/or post process my pictures.
Thanks a lot. I'll definitely keep all this stuff in mind next time! I used a 50mm 1.4 10 seconds and a variable ND filter, not sure how many stops.

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