Strike a Pose


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2005
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In a black hole
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Your guess is as good as mine :mrgreen:

good one! I love the impression that something's going on and everybody's rushing around... the motion blur rocks!
i love ducks..they are hilarious.... did you notice the one at the top left..the water is streaming out of his mouth... great capture, woodsac...
what a fun shot! It's like looking at a playground!
Sweet shot. I would crop off the other white duck, so the central one is the only one, as it would provide a great contrast.
wow, what a duck fest! great shot, like the white boy in the middle :thumbup:
lol thats some commotion! love the movement.. thanks for sharing:D
I too love the motion blur, could be my monitor but I would lighten it a bit. It really speaks to their behaviour though. I like it.
Great eye Woody. Excellent capture.
Hahah! Excellent duck picture. I see loads of ducks where I live and keep taking pics but they're all crap. Well done on this one, nice job. Sums up the funny randomness of them :) :thumbup:
Digital Matt said:
Sweet shot. I would crop off the other white duck, so the central one is the only one, as it would provide a great contrast.

I agree. I like how the one white duck is clear with the blur around him. You know he's just sitting there, minding his own business thinking, "WTF??"

Great shot!

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