Suggestions for a lighter weight "walking around" lens?


TPF Noob!
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi- tried posting this in the equipment section, but didn't get many answers. Santa brought me a Canon 7D, an EFS 17-55 2.8 IS USM and an EF 70-200 F2.8L IS II USM. I love them, but the 70-200 is just too heavy to lug around on a hike or a full day out- it weighs almost 5 pounds. I"m also worried about taking it in bigger cities, afraid a small older woman with a big white lens might get mugged. I'd like to get a "walking around" lens. Right now I'm considering a Tamron 18-270 f3.5-6.3 Di II VCLD or a 70-300 f4-5.6 DIVC USD AF. The 18-270 would mean having to take only one lens and would lessen the chance of getting dust in the camera during lens changes. On the other hand, the Canon 17-55 takes great photos and isn't THAT heavy, so I could get the 70-300, have a bit more range, and save some money. I mainly use my camera for family photos, vacations, landscapes and wildlife, do some experimenting, also like macros. Any comments or suggestions? Has anyone used either of the Tamron lenses? I'm open to other brands, would like to keep under $600, but could manage a bit more for the right lens.

Also, I can navigate the rest of the forum, but when I click on links in beginner's tutorials, nothing happens. Some of the tutorials look wonderful. Any idea what's wrong?
18-270 would be a great walkaround but not the greatest IQ from what I hear. I would use your 17-55 and get a tamron 70-300vc or canon 70-300 IS USM. Just get a single lens pouch with shoulder strap or belt loop so you have a place for the unused lens and can be more mobile.

I never like the DO lenses.... too much CA and softness at a premium price. The 70-300mm is so crowded. I counted 8 70-200 and 70-300 variations here: Canon & Nikon Digital SLR Camera and Lens Reviews at

EIGHT!! IMO, DO lens to me brings the least to the table.

The 70-200 f/4L is surprisingly compact and light (My cousin loves it)... I would look into that as a medium telephoto walkaround. The 24-105L was my preference for a more normal range. My "normal" kit included the 24-105L and 100-400L.
I know.. but it is so small LOL. Thats what he was asking right?
Get a prime or two. 85 f/1.8 and maybe a 200?

Yes - any two or three lenses that cover a range you find useful, e.g., 50 and 100 (& 200?), 24 or 28 and 85, 24 & 50 & 135, etc. You'll be carrying less weight, have more speed and probably better IQ. The only downside is having to change lenses, which may not be that much of a problem if you tend to use mostly one type of lens in a given environment. The other option for city walk-arounds is a G11 or G12.
Hit the gym.

this lol

I'd say get a good strap. I'm using the RS7 from BlackRapid now and I love it. I can carry my 7D and 70-200 (same body and lens that you got) all day without much of a problem. With the right strap the weight is distributed better and it makes it easier to move around.

Oh, and holy **** at getting that combo for Christmas lol nice $4,000 of stuff right there
Thanks to all of you for the ideas. Yes, Christmas was good. I'd been saving for a couple years and my husband kicked in the rest. Right now my camera fund is wiped out, so another expensive lens is going to have to wait, even $600 will be a stretch. And I do hit the gym, I just can't carry stuff around the way I used to, especially at high altitudes. I'd rather not change lenses too often, learned the hard way in Utah about getting dust in the camera. Hadn't thought about the strap. I've got an old Tamrac strap with pouches for extra CF cards. It was pretty comfortable with the old Alpha 100 and is still OK for a few hours. You've given me lots to think about...
If you cant switch lenses, get the 18-270. Its probably going to cover the most range for a lens of its size. It will NOT compete with your 70-200 optically so its a trade off. Should work decent enough though.

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