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Take a tour of my new studio

Double H

TPF Noob!
Nov 12, 2007
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Around the corner from the Turkey Hill, PA
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I went full time with my photography business at the end of last May when I resigned from my teaching position. I taught photography.
Business since then has boomed for me. Last month, I signed a lease on a great location for my new studio. The tons of natural light pouring in made me drool the first time I looked at it.
Let's take a tour, shall we?
Upon entering you are greeted by a warm, inviting sitting area. I have booked three weddings from this sitting area in the month I have been in the studio. A "brick and mortar" location makes a huge difference in how customers perceive you and your services. Plus, I have saved a ton on coffee from my old meeting place, Prince St. Cafe, as well as parking fees. I can also showcase my work much more efficiently than I could in a crowded coffee shop.


Here is the main portrait area. Ceiling is 12' on the right, slanting leftward to 11'. The green screen is for my studio mate, he does commercial video. This is a bonus as we can offer our services as a package. With 2100 sq ft of floor space, we won't have a problem bumping into each other. I have a Mac mini setup to the right. This allows me to shoot tethered into Lightroom.

Here we have a wide shot of the portrait, sitting, small product and food photography, and cutting/framing table.

I saved a bundle on these tables at our local re-hab supply store. They were clothing displays in some store at the mall. Glass is reinforced with wire, with three shelves. Overall work space area on top is 46"x46". You can't find reinforced glass like this for less than $150 per piece. I paid $75 for each table, glass included.

I scored this beast from a friend who is retiring and closing up his 10,000sq ft studio. I paid a ridiculous price of $400. Calumet PS1 and 42"x60" Lucifero Window Light.

Here is my desk where I do all of my post. That printer is an Epson 3880 Stylus Pro. I use a Drobo, four bay, back-up system. It gets locked in very heavy safe bolted to the floor at night.

Thanks for stopping by the Double H Photography studio.
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Very nice, I like it. One thing I would probably do would be changing some of those white ceiling tiles with black ones and get some blackout curtains for those times when you want to control all aspects of light. Otherwise... great space! I like the small stations as well.
that's about all I can say.
Very nicely done! :)
Looks awesome! You don't by any chance rent it out, do you? I pass through PA quite often.
Very nice, I like it. One thing I would probably do would be changing some of those white ceiling tiles with black ones and get some blackout curtains for those times when you want to control all aspects of light. Otherwise... great space! I like the small stations as well.
Thanks. We have some curtains being made by a very sweet mother. We discussed the ceiling, but had to postpone changing it until next month. Flat black is what we will go with.

Looks awesome! You don't by any chance rent it out, do you? I pass through PA quite often.
We sure will rent it. Email me when you think you could use the space.
NIIICE! Thought I would upgrade those lightstands right away if I were you. Get some C-Stands. Those Lightstands just sketch me out...they fall too easily.
Very nice. Glad to hear business is good.
It's beautiful and I am jealous!

How is working with all of that warm wood? You must be powering it out with strobe?
very nice.. A lot of room and natural light.. Hell.. Ill shoot with 200mm hahaha.

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