the $1,000 Camera

Canon 7D or a refurb 6D(? haven't checked the pricing lately though)
I'd rather spend the money on a photo trip. This question reminds me how people obsess too much on gear and not enough on the image.
Not everyone has to decide between the two. The question was what camera would you buy with the $1,000 not how you would spend it.

Whoa! D700 for $1,000? The prices sure have droppped.

My personal $1,000 camera would be the Panasonic Lumix LX100. The perfect vacation camera.
Uh. What kind of photos would you want to make with this $1000 camera?
Just general photography, or might you be in the market for something like a good used medium format camera that can shoot 120/220 format film?
Uh. What kind of photos would you want to make with this $1000 camera?
Just general photography, or might you be in the market for something like a good used medium format camera that can shoot 120/220 format film?
any photos you want :D
Fuji X100T used if available, or Fuji X100s new, personally.

I'd get the fuji x-e2 with. The 18-55 kit lens.
something that takes film me thinks with all manual controls.

FUJI X 100 T or S
Or another Ricoh GR
that ricoh looks like it might be about the best you can get for street. It isn't film though.

You do not need $1,000 to buy a good film camera these days. You do not need even a half of that. You are waiting a lot of money here.
Yeah, the remaining $500 will be spend on film and developing and scanning.

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