The Amazing All-About-Jo Cose Thread

clarinetJWD said:
What is spam, anyways?

Spam can be a rather nasty combination of leftover pieces of meat that at the end of the day is stuffed into a can and sold in your local grocery store.

Spam can also be junk email (or in Forum cases useless posts--unlike this one)

Spam can also be the major word used in an old monty python skit
woodsac said:
You've done your homework :thumbup:

Why do they call them fluffers...not stiffeners?

Well, that's a very good question.

Fluffer comes from Old Englsih SLEFFN, to shore up or to reinforce. It was brought into Middle English as fliffen, to increase, as in to increase a wall by bringing more rocks to reinforce the existing wall. The first written account is with The Ribald Tales of Canterbury from the 16th century: "Whith a wiefe's face lik thyn, youst shalt needs a fluffer to fullfil thyn conjagal duties."
photogoddess said:
Have you always been such a post whore or is this a new vocation for you? ;)

Actually it's a new thing. I remember back in the day when I got 500 and I was so proud of myself. I never really thought of myself as a Forum-type, but y'all opened yer arms and welcomed me so much that now I think I'm here for a good while.

So, yea, it's a new vocation, and I'm loving it (just like McDonald's says).
jocose said:
Actually it's a new thing. I remember back in the day when I got 500 and I was so proud of myself. I never really thought of myself as a Forum-type, but y'all opened yer arms and welcomed me so much that now I think I'm here for a good while.

So, yea, it's a new vocation, and I'm loving it (just like McDonald's says).

How long ago was that?

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