The Coffee House

You may be able to make (or have made) a small portable ramp to cover those steps. I'm guessing 18 to 24 inch rise. The MD house has one high step off front porch, where at the ME house the deck is straight out from the living room, and our bedroom. There are no steps from houe to front porch, either. There are three steps (18 inch rise) to the ground from front porch, but we will put in an accessibility ramp later. The deck is uncovered and gets morning sun, where porch is covered and gets evening sun.
Our back deck is out the interior kitchen door into a small hallway then out that exterior door down a step onto a small landing and then down 4 steps to the deck. It’s not a traditional sliders to a deck set up.

Hiya Folks! Got back from my walk with Honey. It's wonderfully sunny day and 69F. Took the camera, but the only thing my mind found of interest was a little birds' nest. Everything is very brown right now, and the only water fowl were much too far away, but it made for a very nice walk.
Stick season is photographically boring unless there’s some snow on the trees.
@nerwin I'm sure the truck stops around you are selling fuel with it already in it. At least they did when we were running trucks up north. still we bought a lot of Power Service to keep in the trucks. Diesel really gets funky at below 0.
They probably do but I have no way to tell for sure. I watched project farms video recently that tested diesel fuel anti gel mix and the best performing one was Hot Shot, power service was right up there too.
power service was right up there too.

We were using Power Service in the late 80's, it's all our parts vendors sold at the time, never had an issue with it. By the mid-late 90's the trucks had tank heaters. However, our primary lane was south Louisiana to Buffalo, NY so weather and fuel was constantly changing, a truck never went out without Power Service in the side box.
We were using Power Service in the late 80's, it's all our parts vendors sold at the time, never had an issue with it. By the mid-late 90's the trucks had tank heaters. However, our primary lane was south Louisiana to Buffalo, NY so weather and fuel was constantly changing, a truck never went out without Power Service in the side box.
I heard some folks even throw a little bit of kerosene in the tank too. Not legal for on road vehicles but perfectly fine in tractors.
I heard some folks even throw a little bit of kerosene in the tank too. Not legal for on road vehicles but perfectly fine in tractors.

We did that on a truck in Chicago one time when the temperature dropped to the -20s. It was so cold, even with the truck running driver couldn't keep the fuel from gelling in the lines/filter. One of my old-school mechanics claimed you could add a small amount of gasoline also, but we never tried it.
Howdy Folks! Sadly, the weekend is almost over for those of us who have to work tomorrow. Bummer. It got to 77F and sunny, so Honey and I had another very nice walk. I spent the morning cleaning out the dead plants that the freeze had killed and trimmed back the ones that will come back with the warm weather. This is a false Spring, however, so I'm not planting anything new yet. One more month and it should be safe to overseed the back lawn with red and white clover and order the Major Wheeler Coral Honeysuckle. It should be ok to plant the Petunia baskets as well.
Howdy Folks! Sadly, the weekend is almost over for those of us who have to work tomorrow. Bummer. It got to 77F and sunny, so Honey and I had another very nice walk. I spent the morning cleaning out the dead plants that the freeze had killed and trimmed back the ones that will come back with the warm weather. This is a false Spring, however, so I'm not planting anything new yet. One more month and it should be safe to overseed the back lawn with red and white clover and order the Major Wheeler Coral Honeysuckle. It should be ok to plant the Petunia baskets as well.
Just got a couple inches of fresh snow. Bright notes--seeds are arriving via Canada Post, basement lights installed, micro-greens gro-op planted today. Gorgeous Brit mag "Gardens Illustrated" finally arriving steadily after the Canada Post strike. Reckoning ahead on film gear trove. Too much 35mm. May keep MF kits. Maybe it's the weather...
@jeffashman same here high today was 77 and sunny. Despite the temperature the north wind made a light jacket necessary for comfortable working outside. Cleaned up all the limbs from pruning, and cut a few scrub trees that will be of better use as firewood. Been a welcome change for us.
I went to an indoor shooting range today, I wanted to practice. It's been a while for me but I want to start carrying. Anyways, it was so crowded and over an hour wait. I don't do well with large crowds of people in a store, my anxiety got they best of me so I decided to go home and plow the driveway instead haha. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I went to an indoor shooting range today, I wanted to practice. It's been a while for me but I want to start carrying. Anyways, it was so crowded and over an hour wait. I don't do well with large crowds of people in a store, my anxiety got they best of me so I decided to go home and plow the driveway instead haha. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Plow the driveway with hot lead. lol
Stubbed my toe.
Ouch! Sorry. The last time I did that I cut it open and bled like crazy.

Heading back North on Friday for a few days, then back over the long weekend. MLW doesn't have enough leave to carry her beyond the 14th, so I'll be coming back that weekend to care for MLSIL. I also have YADA on the 20th. I figure I'll get my ME driver's license and truck tags when we are all felling better.
Heya Hosers! Well, we got suckered by the weather, that's for sure. High for today was supposed to be 65F with a low of 58F, so I put on shorts and a T-shirt. The day started at 57F and by Noon it was 55F, and now it is down to 51F. Mid-day I switched to trousers and put on a hoodie. By 3AM it's supposed to be 58F and go up to 77F, and then highs in the low-80's the rest of the week with Saturday hitting 85F. Sunday high is supposed to only hit 48F and chilly into the week. Texas I tells ya!
Heya Hosers! Well, we got suckered by the weather, that's for sure. High for today was supposed to be 65F with a low of 58F, so I put on shorts and a T-shirt. The day started at 57F and by Noon it was 55F, and now it is down to 51F. Mid-day I switched to trousers and put on a hoodie. By 3AM it's supposed to be 58F and go up to 77F, and then highs in the low-80's the rest of the week with Saturday hitting 85F. Sunday high is supposed to only hit 48F and chilly into the week. Texas I tells ya!
Can’t believe your complaining about 50 degree weather lol. It’s 28 here right now and we’re expecting a snow storm on Thursday morning! Seems like every weekend we’ve had some weather.

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