The Coffee House

Here's the winner from today's exam scoring session:

"There are a few reason why police should stop and frisk someone one of them it's because they are just trying to make New York City safe. I agree with this because people think cop are just stop and searching someone because they are Hispanic or black that absolutely not true it's about their beaver."

Ah, spell check. Good times.

This is just too good. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out that "beaver" was supposed to be "behavior" - my first thought was "demeanor" but that didn't seem quite right and also seemed like a word this person might not know. There should be a dictionary or translator from illiterate English to regular English.
time for me to go. Things to do and my wife is yelling at me that we are going to be late...
Sharon- Hang in there. Our condolences . 60F is good shooting weather.

Ed- Food poisoning is tough. Hopefully you'll be 100% by Thanksgiving and you can replenish all that you lost.
Well the next time my wife says " Don't eat that, I think it's spoiled."
Ya major food poison. Tuesday till now. Still a little weak. Can't sneeze my sides hurt so much from the onslaught. Yep that's a good word. Well mending is something this old bird has learned to do. Later Ed

Oh Ed! You need a hug, too! :icon_hug: (Not too hard, though, so I don't hurt your sides!)
Well the next time my wife says " Don't eat that, I think it's spoiled."
Ya major food poison. Tuesday till now. Still a little weak. Can't sneeze my sides hurt so much from the onslaught. Yep that's a good word. Well mending is something this old bird has learned to do. Later Ed

Get better Ed. And next time, listen to the missus. She obviously has some smarts. Now you're going to have to work at getting you instestinal microflora back to where they need to be to protect you from any more incidences. My wife works on the rule of threes: 3 hours on the counter, or 3 days in the fridge, and it's gone. So, as you can imagine, leftovers don't last long.
Well the next time my wife says " Don't eat that, I think it's spoiled."
Ya major food poison. Tuesday till now. Still a little weak. Can't sneeze my sides hurt so much from the onslaught. Yep that's a good word. Well mending is something this old bird has learned to do. Later Ed
Get better soon, Ed.

Hey everyone! What's up?
I haven't been on much this week. It's been a really hard week.
One of my sweet, sweet ladies in my Sunday School class ( I teach an older ladies' class, most of them are 75 years old and older) passed away very suddenly, less than a week after one of her sons had passed away.

Then the mom of a very close friend (the friend's name is Wanda) passed away on Tuesday, one day before Wanda's birthday.
Another good friend's mom (this is the friend whose husband died on Memorial Day) ended up in the hospital. Fortunately, she is back home now and doing better.
ALL of these people are about the age of my own mom, so it always just makes me so aware that we aren't promised tomorrow--and yet, ironically, because of all the things going on this week, I've not gotten to spend any time with MY mom.

Glad it's finally Friday, but tonight's the funeral for the first woman I mentioned, so a bummer way to start a weekend.

On a brighter note, it's warmed up here a bit; tomorrow should be sunny and close to 60 for a high, so I'm hoping to actually get out and do some photography, if I can still remember how.
Sorry to hear the bad news, Sharon.

I can relate about work. The pressure is on to get my fire box project done. The county is getting a new dispatch system and my chief wants to take this opportunity to "cut over" to the new boxes. If I work through the weekend, I should have most of it completed. Then I can spend the next few weeks going over my scribble notes and getting the documentation in order.

Hi, everyone. Sorry for the little outburst there. GIMME WANT OH MY FREAKING GERDDDDDD
my life is complete. I got my print back of my beloved coffee cup. All is right with the world, least for this minute. BRI_7587.JPG

Hi, everyone. Sorry for the little outburst there. GIMME WANT OH MY FREAKING GERDDDDDD
okay, so I don't even know wtf this camera is I guess you just enticed me to look it up.
medium format. they actually don't seem that expensive.
okay, what is the benefit of a medium format gs680?
Other than the fact that they're absolutely faptacular? It the movements of the lens are what I really am after.

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