The Coffee House

The movie only showed glimpses of the scope of the battle, the number of the rescued, the collective courage of the civilians and the size of the rescue armada. That is where Gary's disappointment lies.

(It is like making a documentary of the Caribou migration, herds of tens of thousand of Caribou marching across the tundra to their spring calving grounds ... Caribou stretching from horizon to horizon ... but only filming two or three of the beasts.)

Part of the reason for this was the director's insistence on making the movie with as little cgi as possible: Dunkirk: How Christopher Nolan's film found real war ships

He also seemed more interested in telling the more subjective story: Christopher Nolan explains the biggest challenges in making his latest movie 'Dunkirk' into an 'intimate epic'
The movie only showed glimpses of the scope of the battle, the number of the rescued, the collective courage of the civilians and the size of the rescue armada. That is where Gary's disappointment lies.

(It is like making a documentary of the Caribou migration, herds of tens of thousand of Caribou marching across the tundra to their spring calving grounds ... Caribou stretching from horizon to horizon ... but only filming two or three of the beasts.)

Part of the reason for this was the director's insistence on making the movie with as little cgi as possible: Dunkirk: How Christopher Nolan's film found real war ships

He also seemed more interested in telling the more subjective story: Christopher Nolan explains the biggest challenges in making his latest movie 'Dunkirk' into an 'intimate epic'
Gary fully understands the difficulty of filming an Epic (as JC so rightfully described) Event of WWII. Gary also understands how Nolan's artistic interpretation led him to 'Dunkirk on a Diet' ... minimizing the scope of Dunkirk not only showed his vision and poetic license but also made the movie easier to shoot. For Dunkirk, Gary would have preferred the style of Cecil B. De Mille to the Nolan version. It is all a matter of taste ... had the movie not been based on an epic historical event ... it would have been a great movie ... but as there is a lot of historic background, to a movie which bends over backwards to represent a factual account ... Gary is disappointed that more film time wasn't devoted to the big picture.
OK commercial's over, back to a Miss Fisher Murder Mystery. Which I watch as much for the clothes as anything.

Wife and I just watched all 3 seasons on Netflix. Really wish they would make a 4th!
I like those Poirot mysteries, haven't seen those in a long time.

And a hat, I'll need a hat.
Louise Brooks Diary of a Lost Girl from FanPop.gif

Did flappers drink tea??
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I am quite familiar with this. My mother was said to survive her condition for one year. She survived 8 years running through the procedure correctly described by you.

November of this year will be 8 years and counting.

Not sure how doctors are there but most here have been slow to accept any type of holistic treatment. Many years ago I was having a gum problem that would allow painful infections to spring up suddenly. One time I had to visit an emergency doc who after he prescribed all the normal antibiotics pulled me aside in an empty room. In a whisper he said "The other doctors here would have my head for telling you this, but there are three vitamin supplements you can take that will stop this" I followed his advice and that was the last infection I ever had.

Oregano oil capsules?
Yay, Thursday!

*Counting down the minutes until 5:00 PM on Friday*
Made a strawberry bowl for my 3*17 One Wine one Sparkler and a Kilo of fresh strawberries. Contemplate to add triple orange and Fresh mint leafs. What do you think?

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It's Thursday? Weird. Feels like Saturday.

I might become a mirrorless convert. The form factor and speed of the Sony a6000 is pretty impressive, and I love the flippy screen. I think I'll end up taking more family snap shots as a result.
Just got back from taking both cats to the vet for their routine shots and exam. My ears are still ringing from all the yowling. In stereo.

They were cooperative and sweet for the vet and the techs, of course. Both girls always get rave reviews. Then they get put back in their carriers and back in the car. The decibel level is impressive! :icon_cat: Brats.
It's Thursday? Weird. Feels like Saturday.

I might become a mirrorless convert. The form factor and speed of the Sony a6000 is pretty impressive, and I love the flippy screen. I think I'll end up taking more family snap shots as a result.

The mirrorless plague is sweeping TPF!
It's Thursday? Weird. Feels like Saturday.

I might become a mirrorless convert. The form factor and speed of the Sony a6000 is pretty impressive, and I love the flippy screen. I think I'll end up taking more family snap shots as a result.

The mirrorless plague is sweeping TPF!
It is! I've gone mirrorless, too! I feel so naughty. :p

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