The Coffee House

Last night, it was a perfect 70F evening at the Bowl with a slight breeze, just enough to keep the flags moving. Gustavo Dudamel with the LA Phil were top notch playing a selection of songs from Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico and Austria (the curve ball). The Cubana, Omara Portuondo, was part of the Buena Vista Social Club. She's getting along in age, but we all felt as if we're watching and listening to a legend.

No big acts last night, just entertainment ... music performed just for the sake of music. Wonderful and pure.


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I'm in Cold Springs for propane.
No new batteries just yet. Mopped the worst of it.

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Just seen this, don`t think many street photographers will be happy. protection and street photography.pdf
Lines are drawn and moved all the time. Some lines by legislation, some lines via the courts ... Gary doesn't see this as a victory for privacy as much as another infringement on personal freedom(s).

Democratic governments tend to snip here ... snip there ... as a mob with less freedoms is easier to control than a mob with greater freedoms. It is all about control.
Just seen this, don`t think many street photographers will be happy. protection and street photography.pdf
It would be interesting to know how the act defines "data" - on the surface it seems like shooting on film and processing in a wet darkroom might circumvent the entire issue.
Gary doesn't think that would work. Data is data ... whether it is electronic or not. Granted, the EU may define data in narrow terms, but Gary thinks this is a broad, all encompassing interpretation and that it won't be limited by a narrow definition.

If data is defined narrowly, you would still have to digitize the image to get it on the internet ... if that was your intent. If the image is strictly for personal viewing, then the new ruling has no teeth.
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Even if they did make it law, it would never stop me as I`d carry on with my buskers and singers images :)
Good to know that punk rock was still alive and well in 2015, '16 at the Isle of Wight festival in the UK. A couple of the same bands from the '80s, although the crowd at the festival wasn't quite jumping up and down as much as those in videos from then. I was thinking that If I tried to do any slam dancing these days I'd probably do myself an injury.
That law is apparently talking about commercial use or publication, so what's the problem? It doesn't say people can't take pictures out and about, it says basically if you want to make money with your pictures, you need to get written permission. So get releases signed...

I'm on another board that in recent years seems to have attracted all the people with cameras who thought they could make money with their cameras. They don't last all that long because of a saturated market and underpricing etc. etc. and fizzle out after a couple of years.

My point is that this has come about I think with the abundance of people with cameras (and phones) that are misguided at the very least. Things get more regulated when there are more people being irresponsible. I saw something about someone taking pictures of people's phone screens and plastering that all over the place. Good grief, someone ought to be able to send a text on their phone and have some privacy. I mean, there's a limit!

Yeah, you should be able to print what you want in the privacy of your own darkroom! lol Just watch out for the zombies... even photo chemistry doesn't do in a zombie.
Just saw on the news that MickeyD's is going to have kiosks. And, there's going to be a new Girl Scout cookie! Woo-hoo!

Guess it's a slow news day; other than that there's a green blob on the radar coming our way, which unless it's a Ghostbusters movie and there's slime coming it's going to rain later.
6 hours and some today
16.47 for the week so far
Chicken Spaghetti at the deli. Can get check pretty soon. Got to take a few things home for Sister.

Did I mention it's hot out there?

Have 200+ pounds of scrap metal in the back of my truck. Ought to be a real hoot when I get home to unload it.

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Gary doesn't think that would work. Data is data ... whether it is electronic or not. .
Fair enough, but all the definitions for data I can find relate it to facts, figures, numbers... information. If I create an image on film and make a wet print, and DO NOT scan or otherwise render it in to electronic format, is that print subject to the letter of the law? The spirit, certainly, but the letter? I'm curious...
Just saw on the news that MickeyD's is going to have kiosks.
I went to a McD's a little over a month ago, and saw and used these. After ordering from a gigantic screen kiosk*, you take a drink cup and a little numbered sign and go sit down at a table. The workers then bring the food out to your table based on the numbered sign.

*Seriously, the kiosk is HUGE. I'm used to like 15-inch max touch screens for ordering at kiosks. Nope. This thing was at least 20x30-inches. HUGE. Example (Google Image Search)

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