The Drip


TPF Noob!
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
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Got my FIRST EVER DSLR NIKON D40 and i am sooo excited.... have been messing all morning and I thought i would share one of my photos....comments welcome....

you didn't need preface that you just got your camera. Your going to make all of us veterans feel bad.

Great job stopping the action. Composition wise, there is room for improvement. Would try to get rid of the spout or include more of it and clean up the mineral deposits on the end of it. The background has a few hotspots that take distract me, if you bounced your flash or used a diffuser you would probably reduce them a bit. But I love the water, it has a lot of clarity.
thanks everyone for your replys they are much appreciated....

and snownow well i already love it sooooo much...especially sense its such a step up from my old camera

but ben i have a question for you, how do you bounce your flash? and/or what is a diffuser? and I dont like the image if i crop the spout totally out and that is all i have of the spout so..
You will sure love it :D
Great shot... never got a drip of water
Congrats on your D40! It' s a great camera!
Nice shot!

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