The Kids


No longer a newbie, moving up!
May 9, 2012
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Since I have absolutely no time to do anything except work and take care of my kids and build the have become my main subject out of pure necessity.

kids on the back hill with henry's metal.jpg

kids september harvest.jpg

kids climbing the wall at montpelier capital.jpg

henry and annie and september squashes bw.jpg

Good shooting. A very worthy subject. Love the Crocs shoes. When he was little,my kid just loved Crocs!

Keep on clicking dad!
Awe, they look a right handful, full of fun and devilment. Lovely set portraying their character.

However, unlike Mr D above, I think Crocs are the worst footwear ever invented. Horrible things :D;)
Love the Crocs shoes.

I think Crocs are the worst footwear ever invented

Pretty funny you guys commenting on the footwear! Well... when you have this many kids going in and out all day, these shoes save the parents tons of time. At least until they can tie their own shoes. Thanks guys
Brings back memories of being young. No Mobil phone, out play making games out of anything and imagination
Coming home covered in much from the local pond
Nice shots
Brings back memories of being young. No Mobil phone, out play making games out of anything and imagination
Coming home covered in much from the local pond
Nice shots

Darn right. None of that with my kids. Social media can be very damaging to young people, especially girls...and I have 4 girls so we will stay clear of that for as long as possible. Not that my 6-yr-olds are ready for that, but it won't be a part of their lives as long as I can prevent it.

These photos are in our backyard (except for the obvious 2)...out in the country...nothing but trees and hills to play with. We have found (without any doubt!) that kids have far more fun with sticks, dirt, rocks, and trees than they do with plastic crap they get from relatives. They play with the plastic birthday presents for hours (maybe a couple days...maybe) and that's it. But they play with dirt and trees and bushes continuously, and reinvent their fun everyday. My kids are a very interesting bunch to watch. Seeing how the boys and girls develop completely different is fascinating to watch. Plus we have one on the way
The footwear identifies these photos as 21st century. When I was a kid Crocs were not available. By the time I had reached full adulthood, Crocs were not available. I was over 40 years old before Crocs were invented.

Just as "gellies" as footwear scream 1980s or 1990s, Crocs scream "early 21st century!'
Reminds me of when my kids were young. Very nicely shot and processed as well. Aren't they just so much fun when they are that little? :) And for the record, I own 2 pairs of Crocs...


Reminds me of when my kids were young. Very nicely shot and processed as well. Aren't they just so much fun when they are that little? :) And for the record, I own 2 pairs of Crocs...



Great thanks for looking Mark. Yes they are an enormous amount of fun. The wife and I try to appreciate every moment and never take anything for granted. I think that’s about all you can do. That and take lots of photos! We have 5. The oldest 2 just turned six last week, so they are all in the cute phases. They are basically a litter of puppies

and for the record I have Crocs as well;)
Ok here ya go. Took this a couple hours ago! In this photo...the crocs are ruining an otherwise good shot!! Friggin crocs

the girls and september tomato harvest.jpg
I love the dad-crocks and the little one munching on the fruit. Wonderful shot and great color. Sure have enjoyed looking at these.
@charlie76 I just love the whole set. Not only have you taken some candid memories, but you've managed to do so with some strong compositions that tell a story. Job well done!

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