There is a fungus among us


TPF Noob!
Dec 16, 2007
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San Jose, CA
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I wish this were better focused, but otherwise, what do you think?

Pretty cool. I like the orange and blue color together.
Nice color, I didn't know blue and orange went together so well.
Blue and orange --- complementary colours. That's why they work together so nicely. (Blue and yellow do, too, yellow and orange being so close ... could yellow AND orange be considered complementary to blue??? Someone with the knowledge please help! ;)).

Indeed, DOF is quite shallow, but not too shallow, I say, and I quite like what you found. It is a fungus I haven`t seen before! We have a theme thread on "Fungus" (or something along those lines) in the Photo Themes somewhere... this could be a nice contribution! I might bump it for you... maybe. If I find the time (and don't forget that I offered to do so :roll: - happens, you see?)
I guess I'll be the 4th to say the colors are nice. The DOF isn't too bad, but the focus is just a little blurry (I think I said that right?).

Blue and orange --- complementary colours. That's why they work together so nicely. (Blue and yellow do, too, yellow and orange being so close ... could yellow AND orange be considered complementary to blue??? Someone with the knowledge please help! ;)).

I'm not anywhere near a color theory expert, but maybe it's pleasing because blue and yellow are both in the primary color (RYB) triad.
if you don't mind, i messed with it a bit in adobe lightroom. just messed with the levels, vibrance/saturation, as well as a little bit of sharpening. i experimented with making the flowers of the fungus a little bit redder

Blue and orange --- complementary colours. That's why they work together so nicely. (Blue and yellow do, too, yellow and orange being so close ... could yellow AND orange be considered complementary to blue??? Someone with the knowledge please help! ;)).

Indeed, DOF is quite shallow, but not too shallow, I say, and I quite like what you found. It is a fungus I haven`t seen before! We have a theme thread on "Fungus" (or something along those lines) in the Photo Themes somewhere... this could be a nice contribution! I might bump it for you... maybe. If I find the time (and don't forget that I offered to do so :roll: - happens, you see?)

Here is a complementary color chart that might be helpful.

This one works by the same letters put together are considered complementary colors


Here is a more basic one.

This works by opposite colors are complementary.


Hope this helps. There is a lot of info on wiki that is also very helpful. That is here.

Good day!
Thanks for the comments on this one. I really appreciate it. I agree that the foreground has to much non-intersting stuff. I'm trying to learn more about composition.

The color info is good to know also.

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