Through Distorted eyes


TPF Noob!
Jan 1, 2012
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Madera, CA
Can others edit my Photos
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Perhaps a misleading title. I've been posting a lot but this is such a new craft to me that I quite enjoy, and while I prefer to work with other humans and random nature scenes, I find myself lost in dizziness when I let my mind take it's own control. Plus, I foresee a busy week ahead of me, so while I'm up guarding my house from an angry and hungry pack of wild dogs I figured I wouldn't mind some honest feed back on my side experiments. None of which I think are all that great, it's not a serious focus but I wouldn't mind having some crit to send me in different directions (which to some dis-satisfactions is NOT out of here). Or maybe that would defeat the essence of revealing my mind, no matter how distorted it may be. Either way I am entertaining myself. And maybe my jumping words entertained you too, that at least is a success if success has any indefinite definition which inherently by transitioning demand and cultural eye sockets can't possible be true. Or maybe, all in all, I should take a hot shower, throw a rock at the coyotes and go to bed (or maybe something better then a rock as they now have my sent and will not give up trying to get in here, they forgot about the horses and night animals, no they gotta come for me, oh I question myself when I knowingly stand off to a mass of greater hunters to keep my puppy safe), though they did respond to me telling them I'd mess them up if they tried anything, apparently that's more frightening then screaming and stomping, aside from the growl I just got. I'm rambling way to much I'll stop now.



3.) Most only this one, I couldn't quite figure out how to lighten up the inside of this little planet without destroying the slight illusion of a setting sun caused by the glass and the wood/drape behind it. Any hints at how to possibly accomplish that would be nice.

oh and what the hell, why not...
What if I went out and bought a guitar and, not knowing anything, strummed a bit?
Even if some of the sounds were not unpleasant, that doesn't make me a musician or a composer.

This is a craft that, from your posts, you are just starting to learn.
Learn to take decent, standard, well-exposed, well composed pictures first, then let your inner artist out.

These aren't well-done, don't have any meaning and, even if an occasional spark of sense is visible, has nothing to do with good photography.
#1: the lighting here is intriguing..... well composed; yet i think the B/G should be less dstracting
#2; good concept...but not well taken
#3: This in close up would have been fine; a shallow depth of field was essential i feel; a bad bad background
#4: Vertical framing would have given better accentuation to the subject; this one is really creative

Regards :D

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