Tokyo by night


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Jun 1, 2010
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This was taken in September 2010 on one of my trips to Tokyo. I have been to Tokyo 8 times in the last 3 years. Great food, great people, very expensive for most things too, but the food is so fresh it's often alive until it's cooked in front of you! My wife refused to eat lobster there because it was waving at her!

This is from the Roppongi area from my room in the luxurious Ritz-Carlton where they serve the most expensive cocktail in the world at over $15,000. It's a martini with a 1 carat Avery diamond in it. My client there bought me the hotel's WOW! burger which is made from ground Kobe beef - at $100 a portion, it was nice, but not $100 worth!

Canon 5D mkII 24 - 70 at 70 f/18 30 secs 50 ISO

tokyo night by singingsnapper, on Flickr
beautiful photo! Great details
Excellent; could have composed with the tower more to left :D

I agree. Great photo, but remember the rule of thirds.
If you go back and have the ability to take another shot, have the tower further to the left, and maybe try an HDR shot. I've never used HDR at night, so it may not work at all, but the results I've gotten from daylight HDR shots have been fantastic.
Excellent shot

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