Trip to Mexico


TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2012
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Winnipeg, Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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Took the fam to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this winter, and took a about 16gb worth of shots on my D3100. Coming from a cold and grey Canadian winter, it was a real treat to shoot pictures in this environment.

After some ruthless criticism of my own, I have selected a few shots that I feel comfortable sharing.

I would love to get some feedback. I'm starting to get into the habit of reminding myself to pay more attention to framing my shots well, and consider the composition. But I still need to work at it.

DSC_0294 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

I think this one came out a little overexposed. I was trying to get a few shots together for an HDR, but it was a little too breezy, and it didn't turn out.

DSC_0305 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

Nothing to say about this one, I just thought it was a little interesting

DSC_0429 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

DSC_0885 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

The sand really does hide the noise :)

DSC_1259 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

I really wish I had gotten the road sign in the shot a little more, but I took this one hanging out of a taxi window going 80kmh around a mountain corner.

DSC_1491 by LifeIsOnTheWire, on Flickr

Took a few hundred shots of this fire-dance show, and it was really testing the low-light noise performance of my D3100.
Not to mention the speed of the 18-55 kit lens. I really do need to invest in a 35mm 1.8g
I'd say that the 1st image may work as a good background for my desktop :). Also I like the 4th photo with fire, but I'd take a lower position for shooting.
Moved to the General Gallery.

wow, have I been promoted already? :p

Peter, you are certainly welcome to use it

I know what you mean about the angle of the Fire pic. I do have a few others at a lower angle, but the flames turned out worse, and the marshmallows didn't 'frame' the fire as well. I have an obsession with symmetry :p

And, I'm going to take back my comment about the lizard pic being overexposed, I'm now looking at it on a different monitor, and it seems my main monitor needs some fine tuning.
Also I'd try remove the marshmallows :) and let the sand be the background and framing ;)...

Why? The marshmallows make that shot IMO.

Also I'd crop a bit off the left of the fire dancer scene.
Also I'd try remove the marshmallows :) and let the sand be the background and framing ;)...

Why? The marshmallows make that shot IMO.

Also I'd crop a bit off the left of the fire dancer scene.
Well, I'm more attracted my the highlights and shadows produced by the fire on the "small dunes".
Honestly, I took a quick look until I got to the fire picture. IF you had a lower angle or PoV I think it would have been a $$$ SHOT!

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