Two Girls


Completely Counter-dependent
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2006
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Mid-Atlantic US
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In Huay Xai, waiting in a bus station, this little Australian girl wandered over and met this Lao girl and, without a word in a shared language, they played together for an hour while we all waited.

two girls- Huay Xai_2070065-Edit.jpg


As usual, such interesting captures/stories. :)
Thank you for looking - and for your comments.
AFAIC, the first one, while not the greatest shot certainly, epitomizes what street shooting is.
See something that means a bit more than just the fact presenting, isolate that frame and present it in a way that demonstrates what you saw.
No fancy conversions, editing or shadows
little kids are amazing! Great shots! :)
Thank you for looking - and for your comments.
AFAIC, the first one, while not the greatest shot certainly, epitomizes what street shooting is.
See something that means a bit more than just the fact presenting, isolate that frame and present it in a way that demonstrates what you saw.?
No fancy conversions, editing or shadows
nice set interesting comment as well so if you dont mind me asking what in particular do you see in the first frame that separates it out as a street shot?
You shots usually evoke emotion and thought for me. Thank you! Well done. The colors in the first one really grab me as well.
I could only get the first picture to load (new machine, I probably haven't debugged and set up everything correctly) So based only on that one.....

...Good eye and good timing. Great street/people photography from a wandering world nomad.

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