Two Landscape Shots for C&C!


TPF Noob!
Aug 12, 2008
Reaction score
Western NC, USA
Can others edit my Photos
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C&C is appreciated! Thanks!
1. Nice sharp focus, but I think I'd crop off some of the top, it seems to steal the scene from the tree's gnarly roots and the stream.

2.Beautiful -wouldn't change a thing.
Two is great, wish you had more "cotton" in the foreground, but otherwise great, and the tree #1 needs more of a focus point.
I would crop #1 off at the moss on the tree trunk. #2 is very good!
Thanks everyone. I think I agree now about the crop on number one. Gonna try that and post it up here.

<edit> Here we go. How does this look?

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Very nice, but you can still have a few trees, just keep the view on that.
all in the title, great shot mate
Two really good shots, but if I had to nit-pick I'd say that a few of the rocks in the first photo are overexposed. I put it in PS and did some quick editing. I hope you don't mind:

In the second photo, it also looks like the waterfall area is overexposed. I'm not sure there's a whole lot of detail you'd be missing though.

Overall, I really like them!
2 very nice photos, i am not an enough expert to give any comments on them, but i think the second one is nearly perfect

if you dont mind, i want to know the techniques on shooting these kind of shots

like what kind of exposures etc ?

Thanks in advance

The technique for these was quite simple really. I simply put the camera on aperture priority then mounted it on a nice sturdy tripod. I set the self timer to avoid any camera shake from my hands then just shot away.

Thanks for the input everyone!
I think you may want to consider a little burning on the bright rocks in the foreground of image #1 and the waterfall in #2...I'm assumin' both photos were taken mid-day because of the blown out highlights.

have a good one
Not quite midday, but the sun was definitely still fairly high up in the sky. Thanks for the advice!
1 is a lil too green..however its still a beatiful shot...2 is wonderfuL! good shots

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