type away, honey. type away.


TPF Noob!
Jan 10, 2005
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heres a typing speed test. im pretty sure there are some pretty fast typers here. I'm not going to tell you my speed. unless yall want me to or something.

but yall can if you want. just put your gross speed, your accuracy, and your wpm.



of course this is nothing like those awesome games the other guys have put up, but it is pretty addictive nonetheless.
87WPM and 92% accurate.
I'm only doing about 57 wpm at 96% accurracy right now, but I can do better when I'm sitting at a proper desk, and not on my couch!
Whoo! This made me VERY nervous. So I got only 63 WPM at a 96% accuracy. They have some tricky words there... Phew.
ohhh I only got 75WPM - I used to be faster than this. I'll blame it on the long nails ok. But I did get 100% accuracy woohoo.
Arty, the timer doesn't start until you start typing.

Oh, and see...I told ya I could do better...just did 68 wpm at 95% accuracy...I was tiiiiired last night! (but I can still do better if I were sitting at a desk!)
67 wpm, 0 errors, Accuracy 100%

yea baby! Gona try it again, bet I can do better, I had some backspaces in there...

70wpm but I missed one word...
LaFoto said:
Whoo! This made me VERY nervous. So I got only 63 WPM at a 96% accuracy. They have some tricky words there... Phew.
I get nervous on those tests too for some odd reason. I got 92 WPM with 95% accuracy.
i kept getting this message saying to retry the test cause you needed to have at least 10% accuracy to score. :p

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