Ultimate Frisbee C&C


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2012
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa Though Currently in Seoul, Korea
Can others edit my Photos
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I play Ultimate as a fun pass time and to get some exersize, to others, however, it is their life! I joined a league when I came to Korea and I thought while my team wasn't playing I could try out a little sports photography. This was the second time I had brought my camera to the field and this was our final tournament.

I decided to shoot in auto focus-continuous, set the aperature to f/8 (I was using my 18-200mm vr) and just try to capture some of the action. I had to bump my ISO up to 200, but looking at my pictures I wish I would have bumped it up to 400 or even 800. Some of my shutter speeds were quite slow (I was using Aperture Priority mode).

Please give me some tips on sports photography, and what I could improve when I am shooting.

Here are a few pics that I thought turned out okay:


DCS19 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

DCS22 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

DCS46 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

DCS53 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

Those pictures didn't turn out too blurry, though because I was using Af-C mode, the focus missed on quite a few, resulting in photos like this.


DCS8 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

DCS5 by Clayton Hines, on Flickr

I think the continuous focus locked on to something different when I took these pictures.

C&C please!
Higher shutter speed, shoot around 5.6, watch the backgrounds, they are way too busy, if there are no faces it doesn't work, crop tighter. Practice a whole lot more. Your focus is way off on these photos. You answered some of your own questions, which shows that you have started to understand the mistakes you are making.

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