
Nov 26, 2010
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Hey Guys,

I took this shot at a Minor League Baseball game in NJ. It seems underexposed to me. What do you guys think?


How did you take it, as far as settings. It's not under-exposed but your subject is. That is to say if it was exposed more then the sky would be terribly blown out (over-exposed) ;) You could have exposed for the green feild and lived with the over exposed sky or combined under/over exposures for a higher dynamic range. (HDR)
How did you take it, as far as settings. It's not under-exposed but your subject is. That is to say if it was exposed more then the sky would be terribly blown out (over-exposed) ;) You could have exposed for the green feild and lived with the over exposed sky or combined under/over exposures for a higher dynamic range. (HDR)

1/40th, f/13, ISO 100 @ 20mm.

I used a two stop ND grad on the sky and exposed for the field. I guess I didn't go expose correctly there.

Why on earth did you use ND filter? It didnt do anything but hurt your image since you had to go to a slower shutter with ISO100. Wait the minute, did you use graduated ND filter? Nevermind. I read too fast :)
Great birdseye view shot. It would have been better to take a shot at the moment where everybody's cheering! Capturing those high-energy moments!
Exposure aside, really damn close to a great picture.
What hurts it, imo, is that the crowd is clipped at the bottom and so we're not seeing 'everything.'
Exposure aside, really damn close to a great picture.
What hurts it, imo, is that the crowd is clipped at the bottom and so we're not seeing 'everything.'

I see what you mean about the bottom part but my thinking was to have the field, the crowd in the stands and the sky be the main focal points of the shot.

I think I corrected the exposure issue which was mostly in the field and stands area. Did I get it?

My guess is that this would look way much better in a large print where the details that you've captured in the crowd are viewable.
It's the kind of picture where you can look around and inspect all the neat slices of life you've caught.

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