

TPF Noob!
Aug 1, 2008
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Rockaway Beach, NY
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So for the past few weeks i've been looking into upgrading my current camera (40D) to a full frame one. With the permanent price drop to the 5D Mk2 i was considering that one. I was also looking into the 5D Mk3, but spending 4k on it is a bit steep. Question is, is it worth it? Continous shooting is def a plus when high speed photography comes into play (I like to experiment). So is it worth it?
that was the other option gary. lol. ive looked into some wide angle and a few telezoom lenses...
I'd say 5DMII or secondhand/reconditioned 5D and then put the rest of the funds into good glass. The 5DMIII is a cracking looking body, but if you've not go the quality glass to put infront of it many of its gains won't be fully realised. I do think that if you want to go fullframe you should get the body early, but leave yourself budget to buy the good glass to also go with it .
I upgraded from the 40D to a mk2 and am very pleased with it. I still hang onto the 40D to have as a backup and a 1.6x teleconvertor, but haven't used it since. Big Mike also went from 40D to 5d2 as well so hopefully he'll chime in.

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