Urgently looking for help with blemish


TPF Noob!
Dec 4, 2003
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi there

I took the following shot of my wife and elder son at the weekend.

http://www.paul-johnson.co.uk/to-print/IMG_3039.jpg (sorry, large file... this is the original)

There's a prominent blemish on the right hand side of the image (2nd post from the foreground). I'm not sure if it's dirt on the lens or some kind of glare or something, but I think it'd be better for it to be removed.

I tried playing with the clone tool in Photoshop but I don't really know what I'm doing, and think I should be able to do it better. I'm guessing it's not all that complicated, but I'd prefer it to be done right. Can anyone help? I'm thinking of making an enlargement a present for Mother's Day, so time is of the essence! :)

Also, do you think I should be removing the white flecks (light catching the long grass?) that seems to be occurring in the bottom left and bottom right areas?

Finally, any comments on the picture (good or bad) appreciated. I know there's lots of room for improvement, but it's probably not a bad one for me!

Thanks heaps...
That is lens flare, from shooting into the sun. It is a little distracting but I don't think it's really that bad.

If you do want to remove it, I would first try the healing brush (band-aid) or the patch tool. The clone tool might come in hand after that.
As Mike says it is indeed lens flare. A A little use of the clone tool (zoom in and use a small brush) and then use the burn tool - a larger soft brush at a low opacity, should help get rid of any sign.
to make it easy to hold the edge, use the magic wand to select the railing, then clone or burn with the selection active.

That will keep you from going over the edge and ruining it. If you use clone, make certain that 'select all layers' option is chosen.
Thanks a million everyone... especially to AndersonPhoto - that's great!

I have tried to what EOS_JD described, and hope I've done the right thing. Here it is...


Does this look OK?

Do you think I need to worry about the white flecks of light in the grass?

Thanks again. You've all been really helpful.
Where you worked it's obvious there is a lighter section between two dark areas. Now use a soft brush and burn that light area so it blends wikth the darker areas surrounding and it'll be perfect.

Actually, I'm 99% sure that the original had that large lighter section...I left it like that cause I wasn't sure how much he wanted it to be 'messed with'...lol :wink:

But I do agree, it looks better with that section darkened! :)
Yes, you're right... that light bit was actually there in the original too. It wasn't solely the glare, I don't think. :)
Yes, you're right... that light bit was actually there in the original too. It wasn't solely the glare, I don't think. :)

Thank you for clarification...:)

I'm quick to defend myself (don't take well to being told I did stuff wrong when I didn't)...LOL...apologies for being snappy...;)
Sorry, I would have left the original files in place, only I was sending the image to a company for printing, referencing the directory which I uploaded to. I didn't want them to get confused as to which image to print, so removed the other earlier versions to be on the safe side. :)
Thank you for clarification...:)

I'm quick to defend myself (don't take well to being told I did stuff wrong when I didn't)...LOL...apologies for being snappy...;)

If you read my post I didn't really say you did it wrong. I just advised burning the area as it looked much better.

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