Vietnam Wall


TPF Noob!
Jul 28, 2004
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I was hoping to get a few landscapes shots of this, but the Wall was under construction. If you ever get a chance to visit DC, check out this and other monuments; they are wonderful!





...and just a typical booth selling anti-war buttons:


thanks for looking!
The one with the Monument reflected in the wall is really great. Nice work.
Big Mike said:
The one with the Monument reflected in the wall is really great. Nice work.

I agree. I also love that first shot, the angle is excellent. How do you go about that sort of angle? Do you just kneel down, or get the camera on the floor?
I once saw this in tv also, kinda beautiful. Great pics. :thumbsup: I really like the whole series. Your angle is very interesting. It gives a whole new look to one of the most photographed monuments in DC. I don't even need to say how cool the second one is with the reflection of the Washington Memorial.

Lights, reflections, shadows, angles.... you seem to have it down pretty darn good.
thanks much!

mad - after I knelt, I realized I needed to get lower, so I lowered the camera to an inch above ground and snapped. got lucky with lining it up.

thanks again to all!
very impressive.. but can you explain me what is written on the Wall? I can see surnames, names etc. of whom? Those who died in Vietnam?
very nice pics! i posted pics of this monument a while back... well actually it was just a 2/3 scale replica that toured the country and stopped here in Buffalo.

and i LOVE #2 with the reflection :)
mentos_007 said:
very impressive.. but can you explain me what is written on the Wall? I can see surnames, names etc. of whom? Those who died in Vietnam?

Yes mentos, it contains the names of all service men and women who died in vietnam. Also included are the names of the designer, architect, etc. Thanks!
2 and 3 I really like.Very good angle capturing the washington monument in the reflection and using the people and trees to frame it. Niiiice.
Very nice work yo!!!!

I especially like # 2! Keep em coming!

Zach :D
It's been awhile since I've been to the wall. I should check it out again someday. I also need to check out that new WWII memorial.

Nice shots!

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